Zohar Posted November 12, 2012 Share Posted November 12, 2012 (edited) Hi I need to work with a small device(specifically an Arduino MicroController), and communication between the PC and the MicroController is done via a Serial Port. I need a way to Write and Read from the COM Port. I searched the Forums for that, and found quite many threads about it. Most of them mention a Solution by Martin, which uses an External DLL, and a solution by DaleHolm, which again uses an external Library that needs to be installed. My question: Is there a chance that there's a solution, that does not require installing a DLL on the machine? I just need basic read+write from the COM Port.. Thank you very much Zohar Edited November 14, 2012 by Zohar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torni Posted November 12, 2012 Share Posted November 12, 2012 found this, hope it helps.. expandcollapse popup;- ComportStati.au3 --------------------------------------------- >>fst'12<< - ; - set/unset output statuslines (plus TxD) of serial port ; - read input statuslines of serial port ; - uses WinAPI only, no special DLLs, no extra UDFs ; - should work with native comport and serial-USB-Adapters ; - for AutoIt3 - www.autoitscript.com - www.autoit.de ;- V 20120402 --------------------------------- http://www.FrankSteinberg.de - #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;*** Build GUI: Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\WinSpr\AutoIt\_Eigenes\COMStati.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate(" ComportStati >>fst'12<<", 225, 211, -1, -1, $WS_SYSMENU) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Form1Close") $Combo_Port = GUICtrlCreateCombo("No Port", 8, 8, 73, -1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Combo_PortChange") $Group_IN = GUICtrlCreateGroup(" IN ", 112, 40, 97, 113) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Check_TxD = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" TxD Pin 3", 16, 80, 80, 24) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Check_TxDClick") $Check_DTR = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" DTR Pin 4", 16, 104, 80, 24) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Check_DTRClick") $Check_RTS = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" RTS Pin 7", 16, 128, 80, 24) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Check_RTSClick") $Group_OUT = GUICtrlCreateGroup(" OUT ", 8, 64, 97, 89) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Check_DCD = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" DCD Pin 1", 120, 56, 80, 24) $Check_DSR = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" DSR Pin 6", 120, 80, 80, 24) $Check_CTS = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" CTS Pin 8", 120, 104, 80, 24) $Check_RI = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" RI Pin 9", 120, 128, 80, 24) $Label_Info = GUICtrlCreateLabel("choose a COMport", 96, 12, 98, 17, 0) $Label_URL = GUICtrlCreateLabel("www.FrankSteinberg.de", 47, 160, 118, 17, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Label_URLClick") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x3399FF) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ;*** Declare global variables: Global $hSerialPort[1] ;handle for seruial port Global $lpModemStat ;pointer to status of serial input-lines Global $sComboVal ;comport selected by user (combobox) Global $sPortList ;list of all valid ports ;*** Create struct with one element to store input-line values - see Func Pin_Read(): $lpModemStat = DllStructCreate("DWORD") ;*** Main loop: While 1 Port_Search() ;read valid ports from registry and add to combobox Pin_Read() ;read status of comport input lines and show as checkboxes Sleep(100) ;give some time to windows WEnd ;*** Main loop end ;*** Read valid ports from registry and add to combobox: Func Port_Search() ; $sPortListOld = $sPortList ;remember last values $sPortList = "" ;delete last values For $i = 1 To 256 ;max. possible comports = COM1 - COM256 Local $sRegVal = RegEnumVal("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM\", $i) ;... all valid ports listed here If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop ;abort after last value $sPortList = $sPortList & "|" & RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM", $sRegVal) ;add value to list Next If $sPortList = $sPortListOld Then Return ;exit func when no difference from last call GUICtrlSetData($Combo_Port, $sPortList & "|close port") ;... otherwise replace list in combobox EndFunc ;*** Open serial port using WinAPI: Func Port_Open() ;** Open Port with 'CreateFile'; prefix '\\.\' adds support for Ports greater than COM9: $hSerialPort = DllCall("kernel32.dll","hwnd","CreateFile","str","\\.\"&$sComboVal,"int",0xC0000000,"int",0,"ptr",0,"int",3,"int",0,"int",0) GUICtrlSetData($Label_Info, $sComboVal & " open") ;write success-message to gui If Number($hSerialPort[0]) < 1 Or @error Then ;if no success ... GUICtrlSetData($Label_Info, "Com ERROR !") ;... write to gui Return ;... and exit func EndIf Check_DTRClick() ;switch DTR to current checkbox state Check_RTSClick() ;switch RTS to current checkbox state Check_TxDClick() ;switch TxD to current checkbox state EndFunc ;*** Close serial Port: Func Port_Close() $hClose=DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "hwnd", $hSerialPort[0]) ;Win-API If $hClose >= 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Label_Info, "COM closed") ;write message to gui EndFunc ;*** Read input-lines values and show as checkboxes: Func Pin_Read() ;** Read stati of input-lines using WinAPI 'GetCommModemStatus': DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetCommModemStatus", "HWND", $hSerialPort[0], "Ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpModemStat)) $iPinState = DllStructGetData($lpModemStat, 1) ;all values are in $iPinState ;MsgBox(4096, String($lpModemStat), String($iPinState)) ;Isolate value for CTS pin: If BitAND($iPinState, 0x10) Then ;0x10 = MS_CTS_ON GUICtrlSetState($Check_CTS, $GUI_CHECKED) ;set checbox, if bit is set Else GUICtrlSetState($Check_CTS, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ;uncheck, if bit is unset EndIf ;Isolate value from DSR pin: If BitAND($iPinState, 0x20) Then ;0x20 = MS_DSR_ON GUICtrlSetState($Check_DSR, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($Check_DSR, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf ;Isolate value from RI pin: If BitAND($iPinState, 0x40) Then ;0x40 = MS_RING_ON GUICtrlSetState($Check_RI, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($Check_RI, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf ;Isolate value from DCD pin: If BitAND($iPinState, 0x80) Then ;0x80 = MS_RLSD_ON GUICtrlSetState($Check_DCD, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($Check_DCD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf EndFunc ;*** Set/unset DTR pin using WinAPI 'EscapeCommFunction', when user clicks checkbox: Func Check_DTRClick() If GUICtrlRead($Check_DTR) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 5) ;5=SETDTR; set DTR high Else DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 6) ;6=CLRDTR; set DTR low EndIf EndFunc ;*** Set/unset RTS pin using WinAPI 'EscapeCommFunction', when user clicks checkbox: Func Check_RTSClick() If GUICtrlRead($Check_RTS) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 3) ;3=SETRTS; set RTS high Else DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 4) ;4=CLRRTS; set RTS low EndIf EndFunc ;*** Set/unset DTR pin using WinAPI 'EscapeCommFunction', when user clicks checkbox: Func Check_TxDClick() If GUICtrlRead($Check_TxD) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 8) ;8=SETBREAK; set TxD high (break) Else DllCall("kernel32.dll","long","EscapeCommFunction","hwnd", $hSerialPort[0],"long", 9) ;9=CLRBREAK; set TxD low EndIf EndFunc ;*** Open/close serial Port, depending on users clicks in combobox: Func Combo_PortChange() $sComboVal = GUICtrlRead($Combo_Port) ;read user value Port_Close() ;close previous opened port GUICtrlSetState($Check_TxD, $GUI_FOCUS) ;go to first checkbox If GUICtrlRead($Combo_Port) = "close port" Then Return ;exit func, close-only is selected Port_Open() ;open selected port EndFunc ;*** Close port and exit app, when window is closed: Func Form1Close() Port_Close() Exit EndFunc ;*** Show authors website on click on label: Func Label_URLClick() ShellExecute("http://www.franksteinberg.de") EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stormbreaker Posted November 13, 2012 Share Posted November 13, 2012 I already did this ---------------------------------------- :bye: Hey there, was I helpful? ---------------------------------------- My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zohar Posted November 14, 2012 Author Share Posted November 14, 2012 (edited) Hi TorniThank you.I think this code doesn't Send/Receive data via the COM Port,but what it does, is tell if Data is flowing via the COM Port..(that is, If I understood it correctly)Hi MKISHThank you, it works!And such a short code without all the DLLs and mess Do you know how can I check if there's any waiting Data to be read?(and also its Size, so I can then know how many Bytes to request to read..)Also, do you have code for Writing too?Thank you again! Edited November 14, 2012 by Zohar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stormbreaker Posted November 15, 2012 Share Posted November 15, 2012 I won't give the code since I'm not on my PC (using Android Tablet here), but remember these golden words:'As you read (_WinAPI_ReadFile), so you shall you write (_WinAPI_WriteFile)'.Good Luck with Arduino... ---------------------------------------- :bye: Hey there, was I helpful? ---------------------------------------- My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zohar Posted November 15, 2012 Author Share Posted November 15, 2012 OK will try _WinAPI_WriteFile(). Regarding checking if any data is waiting to be read, is there a way? (and also its Size, so I can then know how many Bytes to request to read..) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stormbreaker Posted November 15, 2012 Share Posted November 15, 2012 (edited) Perhaps, there could be some. But my brain is at its limit... for now, atleast Edited November 15, 2012 by MKISH ---------------------------------------- :bye: Hey there, was I helpful? ---------------------------------------- My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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