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how to change multiple images in gui.


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Please forgive my Noobness, even tho I have been around autoit for sometime, I don't try to create code unless i have an idea. I also am a "for fun programmer" I am not a professional.

I am trying to create a sudoku game board in a gui, using tile like images for the numbers. I used

$Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic

. . . .

$Pic81 = GUICtrlCreatePic

to create the 81 possible tile locations. I want to be able to highlight a block, row and or column if a number is present. so I thought i could do

$cursor = "$pic" & $bpos [$row] [$col]

$image = "F:\Program Files (x86)\My Autoit\Autoit projects\sudoku nov\soduko buttons\tile.jpg"

guictrlsetimage($cursor, $image)


the $bpos [$row] [$col] holds the control id for that row/col location. this is not working but if i do the following it will work i would like to not have to do this line for each time i want to highlight a row/col/block that contains the number i am searching for. it seems more efficient to do it in a loop incrementing the row and column.

$image = "F:\Program Files (x86)\My Autoit\Autoit projects\sudoku nov\soduko buttons\tile.jpg"

guictrlsetimage($pic74, $image)


my question is can or how you change a control by storing the id in a variable?

Thanx in advance, I tried to search for this, but really didn't know the correct question or keywords to use, i tried control id and variable, etc. I appreciate any feedback you can share.


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I think i might have figured it out. I was trying to create the handle? $pic74 and for some reason it would not work in a variable. but i recreated the bpos array using the autoit window info tool to get the correct id and stored that number and it is working now.

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