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Having problems updating a ListView.


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I have a function that pulls names and addresses from a website and puts them into a list view along with a refresh button to update the changes from the website and put them in the ListView. My problem is that it seems to just delete all the items and put the exact same information back into the list without ever fetching the new information. I'm running out of ideas on what it could be.

Here is my function I am using.

Func _PLPull()
$array = 1 ;Clear the array to dump all data
$data = 1 ;Clear $data
Local $file = "c:wintemp13111.txt"
Local $src = InetGet("WEBSITE URL", $file)
$data = FileRead($file)

$array = StringSplit($data, ";", 1)
For $n = 1 To UBound($array) - 2
If Mod($n, 2) Then
$subitem = _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($PList, $array[$n])
_GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($PList, $subitem, $array[$n], 1)
MsgBox(5, "Error", $array & " -- " & $data)

EndFunc ;==>_PLPull

Here is the Case for the button

Case $nMsg = $RefreshBtn

I don't know why it jacked up the spacing in my code, sorry. :/

Edited by Tomoya
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is your c:wintemp13111.txt being updated at some point? maybe the contents are not changing when you create your new array.

Perhaps adding a msgbox to display (or a consolewrite) the contents of $file or an array display on $array to show what it's reading inside your _PLPull function



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is your c:wintemp13111.txt being updated at some point? maybe the contents are not changing when you create your new array.

Perhaps adding a msgbox to display (or a consolewrite) the contents of $file or an array display on $array to show what it's reading inside your _PLPull function

I have. I removed my debug stuff before I posted it up but it sounds like DanP2 may be right and it is fetching it from the cache. I will try that.

By default, InetGet will retrieve the file from the cache. Try passing 1 for the optional third parameter.

Yep this was the problem. I didn't know that is how it fetched the cached version. Thanks.

Local $src = InetGet("WEBSITE", $file, 1)
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