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how to let a user write a message and then save it to a file


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hi :bye: I'm new to autoit and can you tell me how to let a user write a message and then save it to a file

this is what i've coded so far and its working fine but its not suitable for a longer message with multiple lines

can you tell me how can i do that

thank you :idiot:

#include <File.au3>
$var = "msg.txt"
$num = InputBox("email address", "please enter your email address", "r2dak@exmaple.com", "",270,130)
$txt= InputBox("write your text ", "Write your Message", "your text here", "",270,130)
_FileWriteToLine($var, 1, "name: " & $num , 1)
;_FileWriteToLine($var, 13, "Date:" & $dnt , 1)
_FileWriteToLine($var, 2, "msg :" & $txt , 1)
MsgBox(64, "Thank you","thanks we will respond soon")
Edited by r2dak

[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]PEACE & LOVE[/font][/center]

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Hi @r2dak, and welcome to AutoitScript forum :)

Because you're new here you should read the forum rules.

And here's an example for what you want:

$GUI = GUICreate("Form1", 307, 439, 192, 114)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Message:", 8, 8, 50, 17)
$TextEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 32, 289, 369)
$SaveButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 112, 408, 75, 25)

While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $SaveButton
MsgBox(64, "Thank you","thanks we will respond soon")

If you have any ohter questions, we are waiting! :D

Edited by mihaibr
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thank you very much mihaibr its working :thumbsup:

only one little request but only if you have time, can you explain this code a little please, i just started learning autoit few days ago and just trying to understand the it properly :lol:

thank you

[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]PEACE & LOVE[/font][/center]

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Posted Image

$GUI = GUICreate("Form1", 307, 439)

Will create a window with the title Form1 that has 307pixels width and 439pixels height

$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Message:", 8, 8, 50, 17)

Will create a static Label control ,with the text "Message:",with left coordonate 8 and the right coordonate 8,width 50 pixels and height 17

$TextEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 32, 289, 369)

Will create an Edit control,with left 8px,top 32px,width 289px and height 369px

$SaveButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 112, 408, 75, 25)

Will create a button with the text "Save", left 112px,top 408px,width 75px and height 25px


Will set the GUI state as "Show"


FileOpen opens a text file for reading or writing.

While 1

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Switch $nMsg



Case $SaveButton




MsgBox(64, "Thank you","thanks we will respond soon")





This is the main loop of the program

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Polls the GUI to see if any events have occurred.



Check if the "x" (close) button is pressend and close the program

Case $SaveButton




MsgBox(64, "Thank you","thanks we will respond soon")


Check if the "Save" button is pressed and then save the read the text from the Edit control($TextEdit) and save it into $data

Then using FileWrite he write the $data into the file

Then shows the MessageBox and exit

Hope you understant something

Sorry for my bad english.

Here you can find all functions: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions.htm

Here is the documentation: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/

Edited by mihaibr
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Thank you very much now i got it

don't worry about the English bro

even my English is really bad muttley its not my first language

i'm really thankful to for this

you ROCK :guitar:

[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]PEACE & LOVE[/font][/center]

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