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Proofread my Share creation script


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Hi guys!

First post, but I've been lurking the forums for quite some time. I have put together a GUI script that takes input from two fields and creates folders on a server and shares them out and sets the appropriate share-permissions with SetACL.exe. Parts are from experience, and parts are from the forums. Most of the GUI parts and While - Wend are actually code I copied from here. :thumbsup:

That is why I decided to post the script here. The script does what I want it to, but there may be better ways to do it. So can you please proofread? All comments are welcome!

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <TreeViewConstants.au3>

$font="Times New Roman"

;Include SetACL.exe, expand it to C:\Share\IT\Bin
DirCreate ("C:\Share\IT\Bin\")
FileInstall ("C:\Share\IT\Bin\SetACL64.exe", "C:\Share\IT\Bin\SetACL64.exe", 1)

;Server Share Create GUI
$ControlPanel = GUICreate("Server Share Creation - 64Bit", 355, 215, 450, 187)
$GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 14, 18, 330, 185)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server Share Creation - 64Bit. Run as Domain Admin.", 22, 10, 280, 13)

;Share Creation Inputs
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Branch number", 22, 36, 118, 18)
$BnrInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",20, 52, 118, 18)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Branch shortname", 160, 36, 118, 18)
$ShnmInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",160, 52, 118, 18)

;GUI text
GUISetFont (9, 600, $font)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("This version is 64Bit only.", 22, 80, 200, 17)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("You are running " & @OSArch, 22, 97, 200, 17)
GUISetFont (9, 400, $font)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Things may break if you run this on a 32Bit server.", 22, 114, 300, 17)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Group examples - Double check above before executing", 22, 143, 310, 17)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("B-nr: sg_branch_employees_", 22, 162, 200, 17)
GUISetFont (9, 600, $font)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("B001", 195, 162, 100, 17)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("BNWW1", 55, 180, 50, 17)
GUISetFont (9, 400, $font)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Short:", 22, 180, 32, 17)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("-FA Service", 110, 180, 230, 17)

;Execute button
$FolderCreation = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 290, 40, 40, 40, $BS_ICON)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", -159)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("[Execute]", 286, 80, 50, 15)


;Set data from inputs
GUICtrlSetData($BnrInput, "")
GUICtrlSetData($ShnmInput, "")

While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg

;Create Folders, set permissions and Share Out
Case $FolderCreation

;Get handles from inputs

;Set new variables
$sText1 = GUICtrlRead($BnrInput)
$sText2 = GUICtrlRead($ShnmInput)

;Set the variable to drive\Share\Group
$GrpPath = "G:\Share\group\"
;Set variable for the full path to SetACL[32/64].exe -on \\localhost\
$SAclcmd = "C:\Share\IT\Bin\SetACL64.exe -on \\localhost\"

;Set variables for the full domain\group string
$BranchTlW = 'domain\sg_branch_managers_'& $sText1
$BranchEmpW = 'domain\sg_branch_employees_'& $sText1
$BranchIthk = 'domain\IT_HQTech'
$BranchItst = 'domain\sg_branch_it_responsible_'& $sText1
$BranchCashS = 'domain\'& $sText2 &'-FA Cash'
$BranchSrvS = 'domain\'& $sText2 &'-FA Service'
$BranchStockS = 'domain\'& $sText2 &'-FA Stock'
$BranchExW = 'domain\sg_branch_executive_'& $sText1
$BranchMarkW = 'domain\sg_branch_marketing_'& $sText1
$BranchAssW = 'domain\sg_branch_deputy_managers_'& $sText1

;Create the folders
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Assisting','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Everybody','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'IT_HQ','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'IT_Local','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Cash','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Service','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Stock','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Management','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Marketing','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c mkdir '& $GrpPath &'Teamleader','', @SW_HIDE)

;Share the folders
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Assisting='& $GrpPath &'Assisting','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Everybody='& $GrpPath &'Everybody','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share IT_HQ='& $GrpPath &'IT_HQ','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share IT_Local='& $GrpPath &'IT_Local','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Cash='& $GrpPath &'Cash','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Service='& $GrpPath &'Service','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Stock='& $GrpPath &'Stock','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Management='& $GrpPath &'Management','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Marketing='& $GrpPath &'Marketing','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c net share Teamleader='& $GrpPath &'Teamleader','', @SW_HIDE)

;Set permissions, remove Everyone.
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Assisting -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Assisting -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchAssW & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchMarkW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Everybody -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Everybody -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchEmpW & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'IT_HQ -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'IT_HQ -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchIthk & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchItst &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'IT_Local -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'IT_Local -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchIthk & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchItst &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Cash -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Cash -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchCashS & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Service -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Service -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchSrvS & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Stock -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Stock -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchStockS & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Management -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Management -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchExW & ';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Marketing -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Marketing -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchMarkW & ';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Teamleader -ot shr -actn trustee -trst "n1:Everyone;ta:remtrst"','', @SW_HIDE)
RunWait(@COMSPEC & ' /c '& $SAclcmd &'Teamleader -ot shr -actn ace -ace "n:'& $BranchExW &';p:change" -ace "n:'& $BranchTlW &';p:change"','', @SW_HIDE)

;Message when done
msgbox(64, "New Shares Created!", "You have successfully created new folders and shares. Remember to check permissions!")




Func _Exitcode()
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Hi, lilleman, welcome to the forum. I always say, if it works for you, then use it. I would, however, offer a suggestion that should speed things up for you.

Creating your directories:

In the section where you're creating folders, you're using this:

RunWait(@COMSPEC & '/c mkdir ' & $GrpPath & 'Assisting', '', @SW_HIDE)

Try using the built in DirCreate function instead so you don't have to keep calling ComSpec:

DirCreate($GrpPath & 'Assisting')

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