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Random Numbers within a range


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Im fooling with some random numbers and i think im making hard work of it so im asking is there an easier way to do this?

I make some random numbers like this

$RandStart1 = Random (48, 57, 1) ;48-57
$RandStart2 = Random (65, 90, 1) ;65-90
$RandStart3 = Random (97, 122, 1) ;97-122
$RandMid1 = Random (48, 57, 1)
$RandMid2 = Random (65, 90, 1)
$RandMid3 = Random (97, 122, 1)
$RandFinish1 = Random (48, 57, 1)
$RandFinish2 = Random (65, 90, 1)
$RandFinish3 = Random (97, 122, 1)

Then i mix them up like this

For $i = 1 To Random(2, 4, 1)
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandFinish3, $RandStart3, 1))
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandMid1, $RandStart1, 1))
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandFinish2, $RandStart2, 1))
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandStart2, $RandMid2, 1))
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandStart1, $RandMid1, 1))
$sText &= Chr(Random($RandMid3, $RandFinish3, 1))
StringTrimLeft($sText, Random(13, 19))

Its a bit long winded i feel

the 3 types have to be Ascii numbers 48-57 (1-0) / 65-90 (A-Z) / 97-122 (a-z)

i run this three times and add them together to create a 25 - 40 ish long set of numbers letters etc

I dont need military grade random or anything severe just a easier way.

Any suggestions?

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How about this?

For $i = 1 To Random(1,10,1)
$text &= StringMid($chars, Random(1, StringLen($chars), 1), 1)

ConsoleWrite($text & @CRLF)


/edit: fooked up the alphabet :-/

/edit: this algorithm would ofcourse lead to a lower occurance rate for digits than for letters. If you want multiple "types" of characters (digits vs letters for instance) to have the same chance of occuring, you could divide them into groups through an array:

Dim $chars[2]
$chars[0] = "1234567890"
$chars[1] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

For $i = 1 To Random(1,10,1)
$typeOfChar = Random(0, UBound($chars)-1,1)
$text &= StringMid($chars[$typeOfChar], Random(1, StringLen($chars[$typeOfChar]), 1), 1)

ConsoleWrite($text & @CRLF)


Just some ideas.

Edited by SadBunny

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.

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