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DLLCall Function Definition need help

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Hi peoplez,

can someone help me to define the DLLCall for this function:

PDWORD pdwImageCount,
PVOID pMountInfo,
DWORD cbMountInfoLength,
PDWORD pcbReturnLength

Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd851928.aspx

Used DLL is wimgapi.dll

I have tried this:

; #STRUCTURE# ===================================================================================================================
; Name...........: $tagWIM_MOUNT_INFO_LEVEL1
; Description ...: Contains information retrieved by the _WIM_GetMountedImageList function.
; Fields ........: WimPath - Specifies the full path to the .wim file.
; MountPath - Specifies the full path to the directory where the image is mounted.
; ImageIndex - Specifies the image index within the .wim file specified in WimPath.
; MountFlags - Specifies the current state of the mount point.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_MOUNTED - The image is actively mounted.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_MOUNTING - The image is in the process of mounting.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_REMOUNTABLE - The image is not mounted, but is capable of being remounted.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_INVALID - The image mount point is no longer valid.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_NO_WIM - TThe WIM file backing the mount point is missing or inaccessible.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_NO_MOUNTDIR - The image mount point has been removed or replaced.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_MOUNTDIR_REPLACED - The mount point has been replaced with by a different mounted image.
; | $WIM_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE - The image has been mounted with read-write access.
; Author ........: Jonathan Holmgren (Homes32)
; Remarks .......:
; ===============================================================================================================================
Global Const $tagWIM_MOUNT_INFO_LEVEL1 = "WCHAR WimPath[260];WCHAR MountPath[260];DWORD ImageIndex;DWORD MountFlags"

local $pdwImageCount = DllStructCreate("ptr")
Local $pMountInfo = DllStructCreate("ptr")
Local $pcbReturnLength = DllStructCreate("ptr")
;~ Local $cbMountInfoLength = DllStructCreate("int") ; Size of buffer in bytes

Local $aResult2 = DllCall($ghwimgapi, "bool", "WIMGetMountedImageInfo", _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($MOUNTED_IMAGE_INFO_LEVELS), _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pdwImageCount), _ ; [out] A pointer to a DWORD that receives the number of mounted images.
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pMountInfo), _ ; [out opt] Pointer to a variable that receives the array of mounted image structures. The size of the information written varies depending on the type of structured defined by the fInfoLevelId parameter.
"dword", DllStructGetSize($pMountInfo), _ ; [in] The size of the buffer pointed to by the pMountInfo parameter, in bytes.
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($pcbReturnLength)) ; [out] A pointer to a variable in which the function returns the size of the requested information.

Has Someone an idea, how to get this function work please?

Edited by Trolleule
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