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Wait untill object exist

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Hello everyone, i would like to know is that possible to make wait untill object will be active? I am talking not about win title, i am talking how to detect is that thing already active or not if there is no title on the software, or it has not been changing after some of actions.

It is very hard to explain, but i can show you example, there is VPN, after script connect to vpn, how they could kn ow that it's connected? if title has not changing after sucess connection?

I would use winwaitactive("title") but i cannot on my case.. Please help me with that :)

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Get the handle of the window (prior to connection), then use the handle to loop until the title changes (fails/succeeds to connect).

WinGetHandle...the handle of the window will never change, even when the title does

Edited by jdelaney
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Hey just tried WinWait("[CLASS:HMA! Pro VPN]", "Sucessfuly connected to VPN", 50)

But unfortunaly not sucess.. I dont know how to make script wait untill text "Sucessfuly connected to VPN" exist.. tried to change class, which i got from Autoit info.. but still not working.

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Put the window info tool crosair over the static, copy all of the data from the 'Summary' tab, and paste back to the forum. If you get the handle of the window, and the handle of the static, you can probably use a loop of controlgettext until the data changes to what you need.

try this...let us know if you can get the text of the control

$hwnd = WinGetHandle("HMA! Pro")
If Not IsHWnd($hwnd) Then
 MsgBox(1,1,"not able to find the window" )
$hControl = ControlGetHandle ($hwnd, "", "[REGEXPCLASS:STATIC; INSTANCE:15]" )
If Not IsHWnd($hControl) Then
 MsgBox(1,1,"not able to find the control" )
MsgBox(1,1,ControlGetText($hwnd, "",$hControl ))
Edited by jdelaney
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Now my code is:

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Include <FF.au3>
global $clr
global $file
global $times
global $clr2
global $x
Local $x ;
$i = 0
$x = 0
$r = 0
$t = 0
While $i <= 10
if not ProcessExists("HMA! Pro VPN.exe") Then
run("C:\Program Files\HMA! Pro VPN\bin\HMA! Pro VPN.exe")
Until $x = 1


then just want to wait it untill Sucessfuly connected to VPN exist.

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I wanted to make sure you are getting the control, first.

Then you can loop through until the text is as expected:

$timer = TimerInit()
$bFoundText = False
While TimerDiff($timer) < 20000
 If ControlGetText($hwnd, "",$hControl ) = "Succesfully connected to VPN" Then
  $bFoundText = True
If $bFoundText Then
 MsgBox(1,1,"VPN connected within 20 seconds" )
 MsgBox(1,1,"VPN NOT connected within 20 seconds" ) 
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
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Sorry folks, it's hard to understand, i was tired then, so now i really want to learn that, i have writed my script on other software, but now want to re-make it on this one :) but still cannot make that function work propertly, i would pay for help, if anyone could teach me how to make wait untill text exist on any software then continue work.. :)

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sent via pm.

Why not on the forum? So other people can help you? :P


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Perhaps wires are crossed, I thought you meant you had written code in another language.

What you sent is just Autoit code which appears to wait until a window exists.

Also for future reference "post" means show in thread, not PM.

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