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Is AutoIT perfect?

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Yes it is ... or is there something you miss :shifty:

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The dev team has been busy, and slightly reorganized recently.

not sure slightly is the right word here ;)

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  • Developers

There is a giant step between Beta and Alpha.

I would like to see a production version with those enhancements.

Currently not likely all stuff from Alpha 2 will end up in the next beta.

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Currently not likely all stuff from Alpha 2 will end up in the next beta.

Hopefully, those three will survive:

1) ternary operator '?:'

2) variable names without leading '$' sign

3) direct access to array elements

See here a sample:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_AutoIt3=G:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Beta.\autoit3.exe

; 1) ternary operator '?:'
; 2) variable names without leading '$' sign (see for i=)
; 3) direct access to array elements

For i = 1 To 9
    ConsoleWrite(StringSplit(Random(0, 1, 1) ? "1 2 3" : "7 8 9", " ")[2] & " ")
ConsoleWrite(@LF & "AutoIt version: " & @AutoItVersion & @LF)

>"G:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "O:\Data\AutoIt\try.au3" /UserParams    
+>19:55:05 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.    Environment(Language:0407  Keyboard:00000407  OS:WIN_7/Service Pack 1  CPU:X64 OS:X64)
>Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Beta.\autoit3.exe "O:\Data\AutoIt\try.au3"    
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
2 2 2 8 8 2 8 8 2 
AutoIt version:
+>19:55:05 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
>Exit code: 0    Time: 1.141

App: Au3toCmd              UDF: _SingleScript()                             

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The dev team has been busy, and slightly reorganized recently.

Do you mean busy with Autoit development or busy doing other things?

It would be **such** a shame for Autoit to stagnate. I only wish my programming was up to developing standards, for it it was, I would love to help :-(

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You can't rush perfection. Simple.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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Why is it that many people think that if there has not been a new release of any application for a few months, then it must not be any good or been abandoned. I've several applications on my PCs that have not been updated for 10 years or more some are in daily use. They still do the job they were designed to do very well so there is no need for the author to update them. One thing I have noticed with my Android apps is that many of them seem to feel the need to update themselves every other day for no discernible benefit to me.

As far as AutoIt goes I've been using it since the launch of version 3 and about 50% of my full time job is as a developer of AutoIt Scripts for automated testing of data and applications and with the current stable release I have not found anything that I could not do with AutoIt that I could reasonably expect to do with an interpreted language. I suspect that AutoIt 3.* has about reached the limit of what can be done, apart from minor bug fixes and the odd new nice to have functionality, without a complete redesign and rewrite of the core code. It's just the natural life cycle of a piece of software.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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Hopefully, those three will survive:

1) ternary operator '?:'

2) variable names without leading '$' sign

3) direct access to array elements

I have not been keeping up with all the changes in the alpha, but from what I've heard, one of the most exciting recent developments is the possibility of calling a function using a variable name. Not to mention there being potentially less false positives from AV programs. The first of these possibilities appears to open up a whole new world, and represents a quantum leap forward for AutoIt in my opinion. Some of these things are currently possible to a certain degree, but the current version of AutoIt is not designed for this.

One of my projects has been partly on hold, partly waiting for these changes for several months, since I want my code to be future proof. Oh well, I suppose my personal concerns are not relevant in the bigger scheme of things. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

The internal goings on in the Dev team are none of my business. I'm just concerned for the language and fantastic community we have here, thanks to Jon. Even so, offering feedback as a user is the least I can do. I sometimes wish I could simply wave a magic wand and everything in life would suddenly get easier. I'm not going to dwell over it though: lifes too short for that. Instead I'm going to order an AutoIt T-shirt. :)

Edited by czardas
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They have a saying .... Be careful what you wish for.

Especially with any major changes.

One thing I have noticed with my Android apps is that many of them seem to feel the need to update themselves every other day for no discernible benefit to me.

And if you have a phone filled with heaps of handy apps, like mine, it's a right pain in the proverbial.

Serious drain on the battery each time, and if you do it it manually, which is often the wisest, because sometimes you lose certain abilities or features with new versions (at least with free apps), it takes such a dog damn long time.

Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth!
Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said.


What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut

If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment.
Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies.
If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it.
I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination.

I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)


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Why is it that many people think that if there has not been a new release of any application for a few months, then it must not be any good or been abandoned. ...

I worry that it has been abandoned, yes. A simple example: I note there is a TRAC ticket open for the @OSVersion macro. Its only four weeks and I am NOT whining, but a couple of years ago a simple change would have been incorporated into a point upgrade and issued in a matter of days. Its been four weeks so far and I am guessing, at the current rate of changes issued that it will be several months before that one is fixed.

Please note, I am only using this as an example of the slow rate of change now - and yes, I know four weeks isn't long - its an example, right? :-)

When the rest of the world (e.g. M$ OS upgrades) outstrips the rate of maintenance changes to a utility like Autoit, question marks do start popping into people's heads as to its long term suitability.

Finally, before anyone points out that it is free and made by entheusiasts etc etc yes, I take that point completely.

(which begs the question, Why is it free?? Its worth $30 to $60 of anyone's money!!)

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@OSVersion is a minor issue in my humble opinion and something I don't personally use as calling GetVersionExW is a better option. That macro was ideal before the likes of DllCall and such-like were incorporated into the language.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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I worry that it has been abandoned, yes. A simple example: I note there is a TRAC ticket open for the @OSVersion macro. Its only four weeks and I am NOT whining, but a couple of years ago a simple change would have been incorporated into a point upgrade and issued in a matter of days. Its been four weeks so far and I am guessing, at the current rate of changes issued that it will be several months before that one is fixed.

Please note, I am only using this as an example of the slow rate of change now - and yes, I know four weeks isn't long - its an example, right? :-)

When the rest of the world (e.g. M$ OS upgrades) outstrips the rate of maintenance changes to a utility like Autoit, question marks do start popping into people's heads as to its long term suitability.

Finally, before anyone points out that it is free and made by entheusiasts etc etc yes, I take that point completely.

Of course it's abandoned. Only blind people don't see that. Or ignorant people. I wish that wouldn't be truth, but it is. I had to scream really loud even for 3.3.8 to happen. It's not very known that I actually brainwashed few people to make things moving back then.

Sure, there will likely be new version released soon, but that has nothing to do with active development. In one scenario dev team will only release the work I have done on the language and the tools during last year. That's one year after most of the code has been written. OMG.

Considering I'm not developer any more, reasonable developer should think twice before releasing. Really, how serious is to release code of the developer that is not that any more.

Third scenario is going back a year with the code. Then everything is safe but Jon and the team looks like clowns (no offense meant).

Fourth scenario is that development will continue actively, serious development, not some development playing. But that's as like as no one taking offense by this post.

Speaking as mere user, I hope AutoIt dev team (Jon) will find the solution. I really really love this language, use it every day actually, and besides that I know how much work people other than developers have done for it.




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At risk to myself, I feel the need to say something more on this. Things started to get messy when Valik departed. Despite his swearing, which didn't always go down too well with everyone, he was the only person around here who knew how to run a tight ship. It took me a while, but I eventually started to like the guy. I'm guilty of having said nothing about this until now. Why - because I did not want to upset any of the other devs. Now we seem to be floating aimlessly on an ocean with no rudder or stars to guide us.

I also love AutoIt and I would like to see this ship back on course and moving again. There's been so much hard work put into this language and community. Please somebody do something.

Edited by czardas
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I started using autoit some years ago and to be honest i started using it for game reasons.

When i first came to this forum i started fighting with a guy(Valik) and getting banned because i didn't knew the rules and wasn't experienced enough with this language and my account was locked.

Some years later i used this forum again. I was following the forum and the language and saw very good updates and upgrades. When i came up with some more advanced topics i found out that that guy that had locked my account was helping me. Following the topics in general and example section i was looking a very good team leading well autoit.

It's been 6 months now that i can't find any good updates now or any usefull example scripts.

I don't know who's fault this is but i dont like it.

Instead of watching the dev team posting some good examples, giving good advices or helping people with their problem, i see the dev team locking threads, editing them(witch shouldn't be allowed even a topic break the rules) and banning people. And why the hell you have moderators then? I am sorry but i can't find a logic here

I just found out that one best devs(trancexx) is not a dev anymore, some months ago i found out that Valik is inactive and i see some devs that are usefull only for locking threads continuing being devs.

I like autoit and i use it everyday but if it is going to continue like this, it is not going to end up very well

I feel nothing.It feels great.

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