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Ping() returns negative number

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I can't seem to reproduce this, but once in a while, the Ping() function returns a negative number.

My internet connection is stable and doesn't disconnect, no other apps report a lack at connectivity.


I'm not sure if it's an issue with my provider's DNS that causes it to return a negative number or not. But the name does resolve to an IP address properly.

Has anyone else seen this? Is there a fix?

AutoIT v3.3.6.1 on Windows XP.

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Have you tried updating to Maybe you won't have the issue with the latest version...

I'll give it a try, see if it helps. I'll report back with my findings.

Using a TCP function without starting TCP services :mellow: (just for you to notice that, I'm not talking about the ping issue).

ConsoleWrite(TCPNameToIP("www.google.com") & @CrLf)
ConsoleWrite(Ping("www.google.com") & @CrLf)

I've never had problems to resolve the name, without starting/stopping TCP services. I assume it's not required. Besides "best practices", is there any other advantage to starting/stopping TCP services?
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Yes, it will not usually work without it, It certainly does not for me.If it did, I's certainly want to know why.

Well, so far so good, v3.3.8.1 seems to have solved the problem, at least for now.

I don't know why I don't need to call TCPStartup() and it works anyways. I just checked the help file and it does say TCPStartup is required, yet it works without it.

Edit: Spoke too soon, problem persists with v3.3.8.1. I'll give TCPStartup a try.

Edited by z3r0c00l12
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It doesn't work for me either, you need to use TCPStartup, fact.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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I read the TCPStartup() page on the help file today and saw that it says UDPStartup() is simply an alias of TCPStartup(), since my script used UDPStartup(), the TCP services were already started, hence why it was working.

Since I don't know why I'm getting negative results from Ping(), I am now logging the return value of Ping() and the value of @Error. Hopefully, if/when it happens again, I can report an error code that has a better explanation.

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