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Should it be this hard?

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I have searched the forums for any pointers but I am either asking the wrong questions or have been given a really nasty job.

I am 'automating' the installation of Blackberry Enterprise Server (yes yes, I know....two to three days work to save five minutes effort) but when the main installation section comes up I cannot use the Send("xxx") command to enter values in the fields. I have used this for a number of other packages without issues and this is where AutoIT started and I am now stumped.

To get to the field using the keyboard I can use either Tabs or Ctrl plus a character but none of this works in the script. The AutoIT Window Info box shows the field details (Class, Instance, ID etc etc) so I would have expected this to work fine. Actual line in teh Info box for Advanced Mode is [CLASS:Edit;INSTANCE:1]

Anyone got a dummy's guide to point me at to sort this?

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Does it have silent switches?

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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Just checked the Rim/Blackberry Business Support forum and they do not support a silent install. Almost makes me wonder if they 'actively' do not support it as in blocking script changes to the install screens but that is the cynic in me I'm sure.

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What happens when you try to controlsend? Is the installer built in Flash? Also, how many Enterprise servers are you deploying? If you are doing a large bunch, I get what you are doing. My understanding is you can have up to around 75 users on a server before you start having performance issues. (that has been our experience in our company if I remember right)

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Whether I use Send or ControlSend I get a whole heap of nothing happening. From the Window Info it appears that this is a normal screen and I have gone through a couple of other (albeit different) screens/windows to get here. Hadn't though of Flash and I would have expected some sort of indicator in the Window Info panel if this was in use although maybe I am hoping for other people to do everything for me :(

I have 12 server to migrate from Win2003 to Win2008 so if you squint you can just about see some justification to script it all but any more of this and I will give them a 20 page document and tell them to do it by hand.

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