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Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

I'm try to create a gui can be create element by itself. This is what i have done:

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>


Global Const $Element_For_Column = 5 ; Max number of element for column
Global Const $Max_Element = 15 ; Number of total element
Global $iCount = 1 ; Number 1 is used for basic element
Global $Move_Top, $Move_Left, $Temp_iCount
Global $Input_[1][1], $Label_[1][1], $Button_[1][2]

$hGUI = GUICreate("Dynamic GUI", 233, 107, -1, -1)
$Label_A1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°1", 8, 26, 90, 17)
$Input_A1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 43, 161, 21)
$Button_A1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 176, 41, 51, 25)
$Button_A2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8, 72, 75, 25)
$Button_Minus = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 176, 2, 19, 25)
$Button_Plus = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 210, 2, 19, 25)

While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $msg
Case $Button_A1
GUICtrlSetData($Input_A1, "You have clicked button 1")
Case $Button_A2
Case $Button_Plus
Case $Button_Minus
Case Else
For $i = 0 To UBound($Button_, 1) - 1
    Switch $msg
     Case $Button_[$i][0]
     GUICtrlSetData($Input_[$i][0], "You have clicked button " & $i + 1)
     Case $Button_[$i][1]

Func _Test_Func($Value)
MsgBox(0, 0, "This is the value of Input: " & GUICtrlRead($Value) & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>_Test_Func

Func _Add_Element()
Global $hGUISize_Height = 89, $hGUISize_Width = 250
Local Const $Size = WinGetPos($hGUI)
$Temp_iCount += 1
$iCount += 1
$Move_Top += 90
If $Temp_iCount = $Element_For_Column Then
If $iCount <= $Max_Element Then
WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, $Size[2] + $hGUISize_Width, Default)
_Middle($hGUI, "")
$Move_Top = 0 ; reset top
$Move_Left += 250 ; create left vaule
$Temp_iCount = 0 ; reset temp_element
If $iCount <= $Max_Element Then
ReDim $Label_[$iCount][$iCount]
ReDim $Input_[$iCount][$iCount]
ReDim $Button_[$iCount][$iCount * 2]
If $iCount <= $Element_For_Column Then
$Label_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°" & $iCount, 8, 26 + $Move_Top, 90, 17)
$Input_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 43 + $Move_Top, 161, 21)
$Button_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateButton($iCount, 176, 41 + $Move_Top, 51, 25)
$Button_[$iCount - 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8, 72 + $Move_Top, 75, 25)
WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, Default, $Size[3] + $hGUISize_Height)
_Middle($hGUI, "")
$Label_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°" & $iCount, 8 + $Move_Left, 26 + $Move_Top, 90, 17)
$Input_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8 + $Move_Left, 43 + $Move_Top, 161, 21)
$Button_[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateButton($iCount, 176 + $Move_Left, 41 + $Move_Top, 51, 25)
$Button_[$iCount - 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8 + $Move_Left, 72 + $Move_Top, 75, 25)
If $iCount > $Max_Element Then
$iCount = $Max_Element
$Temp_iCount = $Element_For_Column - 1
EndFunc ;==>_Add_Element

Func Delete_Element()
Local Const $Size = WinGetPos($hGUI)
Local $Temp_Move_Top = 90 ; Equal to $Move_Top
If $iCount = 1 Then ; No element
$iCount = 1
GUICtrlDelete($Label_[$iCount - 1][0]) ; delete element
GUICtrlDelete($Input_[$iCount - 1][0]) ; delete element
GUICtrlDelete($Button_[$iCount - 1][0]) ; delete element
GUICtrlDelete($Button_[$iCount - 1][1]) ; delete element
If $iCount <> 0 Then
If $iCount <= $Element_For_Column Then
WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, Default, $Size[3] - $hGUISize_Height) ; resize gui
_Middle($hGUI, "")
If $Temp_iCount = 0 Then ; New Column
WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, $Size[2] - $hGUISize_Width, Default) ; resize gui
_Middle($hGUI, "")
$Move_Left -= 250 ; Remove left value
$Temp_iCount += $Element_For_Column ; Remove new colum
$iCount -= 1 ; Delete one count
$Temp_iCount -= 1; Delete one temp count
If $Move_Top = 0 Then ; Equal to start posizion
$Move_Top = $Temp_Move_Top * ($Element_For_Column - 1)
$Move_Top -= 90 ; Delete one position
EndFunc ;==>Delete_Element

Func _Middle(Const $win, Const $txt) ; Snippet Valuater - cdkid
Local Const $Size = WinGetClientSize($win, $txt)
Local Const $y = (@DesktopHeight / 2) - ($Size[1] / 2)
Local Const $x = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($Size[0] / 2)
Return WinMove($win, $txt, $x, $y)
EndFunc ;==>_Middle

1) The gui can create element but the size of the width is good only for the second element, then increase every 3°, 4° etc.

2) Buttons don't work because i don't know how to set in the While...WEnd and the realtive function

3) I don't know how to make the creation of 3 element for column until the $Max_Element is reached

4) I don't know how to delete group element ( except the first )

Thanks ;)

EDIT: No more to go, if someone has suggestion/improvement just ask ;)

Edited by johnmcloud
Posted (edited)

Try this and see if it aint what you want.

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>

#include <EditConstants.au3>

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <StaticConstants.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>


Global Const $Element_For_Column = 3 ; Max number of element for column

Global Const $Max_Element = 9 ; Number of total element

Global $iCount = 1 ; Number 1 is used for basic element

Global $Move_Top

Global $Move_Left

Global $Temp_iCount

Global Const $hGUI = GUICreate("Dynamic GUI", 233, 107, -1, -1)

Global Const $Label_A1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°1", 8, 26, 90, 17)

Global Const $Input_A1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 43, 161, 21)

Global Const $Button_A1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 176, 41, 51, 25)

Global Const $Button_A2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8, 72, 75, 25)

Global Const $Button_Minus = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 176, 2, 19, 25)

Global Const $Button_Plus = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 210, 2, 19, 25)

Global $ctrl_array[1][4]


Global $msg = ''

    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

        Case $Button_A1
            GUICtrlSetData($Input_A1, "You have clicked button 1")

        Case $Button_A2

        Case $Button_Plus

        Case $Button_Minus

        Case Else
            Global $ctrl_array_upbound = UBound($ctrl_array, 1)

            For $i = 0 To $ctrl_array_upbound - 1
                Switch $msg
                    Case $ctrl_array[$i][2]
                        GUICtrlSetData($ctrl_array[$i][1], "You have clicked button " & $i + 1)

                    Case $ctrl_array[$i][3]
Until False

Func _Test_Func(Const $Value)
    ConsoleWrite("This is the value of Input: " & GUICtrlRead($Value) & @crlf)
EndFunc   ;==>_Test_Func

Func _Add_Element()
    Local Const $Size = WinGetClientSize($hGUI, '')

    $Temp_iCount += 1

    $iCount += 1

    $Move_Top += 90

    If $Temp_iCount = $Element_For_Column Then
        If $iCount <= $Max_Element Then
            Local Const $hGUISize_Width = 250

            WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, $Size[0] + $hGUISize_Width, Default)

            _Middle($hGUI, "")

            $Move_Top = "" ; reset top

            $Move_Left += 240 ; create left vaule

            $Temp_iCount = "" ; reset temp_element

    If $iCount <= $Max_Element Then
        ReDim $ctrl_array[$iCount][$iCount * 4]

        If $iCount <= $Element_For_Column Then
            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°" & $iCount, 8, 26 + $Move_Top, 90, 17) ; how to set the variable name?

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 43 + $Move_Top, 161, 21)

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][2] = GUICtrlCreateButton($iCount, 176, 41 + $Move_Top, 51, 25)

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8, 72 + $Move_Top, 75, 25)

            Local Const $hGUISize_Height = 120

            WinMove($hGUI, "", Default, Default, Default, $Size[1] + $hGUISize_Height)

            _Middle($hGUI, "")
            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is a label n°" & $iCount, 8 + $Move_Left, 26 + $Move_Top, 90, 17) ; how to set the varable name?

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][1] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8 + $Move_Left, 43 + $Move_Top, 161, 21)

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][2] = GUICtrlCreateButton($iCount, 176 + $Move_Left, 41 + $Move_Top, 51, 25)

            $ctrl_array[$iCount - 1][3] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Input", 8 + $Move_Left, 72 + $Move_Top, 75, 25)
EndFunc   ;==>_Add_Element

Func Delete_Element()
EndFunc   ;==>Delete_Element

Func _Middle(Const $win, Const $txt) ; Snippet Valuater - cdkid
    Local Const $Size = WinGetClientSize($win, $txt)

    Local Const $y = (@DesktopHeight / 2) - ($Size[1] / 2)

    Local Const $x = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($Size[0] / 2)

    Return WinMove($win, $txt, $x, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>_Middle

I'll leave deleting them as an exercise for you. =)

Edited by jaberwocky6669

Thanks, i have make some little change ( i have make 4 different array for every element ) and i have added the deleting func...but it's a little bugged :D

The script is on the first post. Can you/someone check it out?


Posted (edited)

I have resolved the 99% of the problems with Delete_Element() ( i have updated the script on the first post ) i have only the last

When i created 6 element ( with 5 = Max element for column, so it created a new column with 1 element ) and i try to delete the 6° and recreate it, work fine and no problems

When i created 6 element ( with 5 = Max element for column, so it created a new column with 1 element ) and i try to delete the 6° and the 5° ( the result is only one column with four element ) and recreate the 5° again, i don't see anything


EDIT: I have resolve the last problem, seems work fine now. Waiting for expert if the have improvement-suggestion on this script. Thanks

Edited by johnmcloud

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