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[AutoIt v3] FTP Script

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Hello everyone,

I'm starting with the AutoIt language which is why I need your help.

I'm looking for a script that would make a connection to an FTP site to retrieve a file. Zip.

This script is based on a config file that will contain four values ​​(ftp site, login, password and the source file that I need to recover).

The script will, once downloaded, unzip the folder in a specific way that will be considered in a fifth value (destination --> C:\_SOURCES).

It would be great to have a progress bar to see the progress of the recovery folder. Zip.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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You are not bound to any number of files. If you use functions from another file, just remember to "include" it. What I meant with putting them together was to see how each of these features worked, and then write your own script (probably enhancing one of the examples there).

By the way, regarding the config file you mentioned, the easiest would be an INI file (http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/IniRead.htm)

There are many good script examples in the forum - try the forum search.

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And it is easy indeed.

Well, if you don't have any experience scripting in any other language, then you need to learn the basics. Next steps from here are:

1) Take one of the AutoIt tutorials (http://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Tutorials). Great stuff there, also for new beginners.

2) If you are still stuck after that, post your script here, so people have a better chance of helping you.

Good luck!

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Ok thanks ;).

I begin my script like this :



Global $server = 'ftp_site'

; name of folder for 7zip --> Everybody can help me to install 7zip portable in this script
Global $7zip = "7zip"

;fisrt user
Global $usernamenan = 'user1'

;second user
Global $usernamegf = 'user2'

;third user
Global $usernamegrh = 'user3'

;fourth user
Global $usernamepel = 'user4'

;password for the first user
Global $passwordnan = 'password1'

;password for the second user
Global $passwordgf = 'password2'

;password for the third user
Global $passwordgrh = 'password3'

;password for the fourth user
Global $passwordpel = 'password4'

;file to recover in ftp site
Global $source = '/name_of_file_to_recover_in_ftp_site.zip'

;default system drive
Global $sysdrive=EnvGet("SystemDrive")

; To download the file

Local $hDownload = InetGet("ftp://user:password@ftp_site/name_of_file_to_recover_in_ftp_site", @DesktopDir & "\name_of_file_recupered_in_ftp_site", 1, 1)

; Size of the file in ftp site

Local $nSize = InetGetSize("ftp://user:password@site_ftp/name_of_file_to_recover_in_ftp_site")
MsgBox(0, "Taille du fichier en Octets:", $nSize)

;Progress Bar
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "endscript")
local $m = 1
GUICreate("Install in progress ...", 252, 25,-1,-1,$WS_CAPTION)
GuiCtrlCreateGraphic(1, 5, 250,15)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000)
$ba = GuiCtrlCreateGraphic(1, 6, 49,13)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($ba, 0x0FF000)


Func _SliderRight()
For $m = 0 To 201 Step 3
GUICtrlSetPos($ba, $m, 6, 49, 13)
EndFunc ;==>_SliderRight

Func _SliderLeft()
For $m = 201 To 0 Step -3
GUICtrlSetPos($ba, $m, 6, 49, 13)
EndFunc ;==>_SliderLeft

Func _getmsg()

$Msg = GUIGetMsg()
If $Msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit
--> I don't know that it must be write here to close the loop

EndFunc ;==>_getmsg
Func endscript()
EndFunc ;==>endscript
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That's a start. Put the GUI and progress bar aside until you understand what is happening in your script. That is just on your way right now.

I see no reason for so many different users, empty "includes" and other unused variables. I cut all the unused stuff from your start script.

You need to understand how strings work. The following...

Local $hDownload = InetGet("ftp://user:password@ftp_site/name_of_file_to_recover_in_ftp_site", @DesktopDir & "\name_of_file_recupered_in_ftp_site", 1, 1)

... doesn't capture the values from your variables automatically - you must put the string together as below.

See if you understand what is happening in the script below, and take it from there.


Global $server = 'ftp_site'

;fisrt user
Global $usernamenan = 'user1'

;password for the first user
Global $passwordnan = 'password1'

;file to recover in ftp site
Global $source = '/name_of_file_to_recover_in_ftp_site.zip'

; Size of the file in ftp site
Local $nSize = InetGetSize("ftp://" & $usernamenan & ":" & $passwordnan & "@" & $server & $source)
MsgBox(0, "Taille du fichier en Octets:", $nSize)

; To download the file
Local $hDownload = InetGet("ftp://" & $usernamenan & ":" & $passwordnan & "@" & $server & $source, @DesktopDir & "\name_of_file_recupered_in_ftp_site.zip", 0, 0)
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