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Question regarding Arrays

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I am planning on rewriting one of my tools from using ini-files to using a database, and I want to add some features.

I searched this and other forums about my following questions and read the help file, but I just found out what wouldn't work, not what I could do to get my problem solved =(

So, I can add an array[2] into the "slots" of another array[n]:

for $i = 0 to 4
array1[$i] = array2

...but I can't access the stored arrays directly.

How can I get this solved? I always have different amounts of "array2"s and want to get a 2D array storing the number of elements in [0][0].

Thanks in advance, just post me some hints and I think I can figure this out myself...

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As you have found out, storing arrays in another array is perfectly possible but not that practical if you need quick access to their content. Could you let us see some examples of exactly what sort of data and format you have for your array2 and what you are trying to achieve in the 2D array you mention (such as how the array2 data fits into it). It is always easier to suggest possible solutions with some concrete data to work on. :)


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Array in Array is possible but not recommended. You can't access an element of an array in an array directly.

You could use _ArrayToString for $Array2 (use a sensible delimiter) and then store this string in $Array1. If needed create an array again using StringSplit.

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Could you let us see some examples of exactly what sort of data and format you have for your array2 and what you are trying to achieve in the 2D array you mention (such as how the array2 data fits into it). It is always easier to suggest possible solutions with some concrete data to work on. :)

I would share code if I had some, but I am planning how to solve my problem right now and didnt write any code yet. Right now I only have my database and I am querying the dependencies and the mode (install/uninstall).

Select db.dependency, db.mode From db Where db.paket = 'test'

Since a package can have multiple dependencies, I want to store them in an array and work through it afterwards. The data type is always string.

EDIT: I have to mention, I'm using this sql funktion:

Func _SQLQuery($oConn, $sQuery)
If IsObj($oConn) Then Return $oConn.Execute($sQuery)
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
EndFunc ;==>_SQLQuery

Obviously it returns an object, which I write into a string which is split into an "array2" afterwards.

While Not $result.EOF
$string=$string & $result.Fields("collumn").value & "|"

array = stringsplit(string, "|", 1)

Perhaps there are better solutions but I don't know them.

Array in Array is possible but not recommended. You can't access an element of an array in an array directly.

You could use _ArrayToString for $Array2 (use a sensible delimiter) and then store this string in $Array1. If needed create an array again using StringSplit.

Thank you water, I'll have a look into this. Edited by Brobbl
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It's not true that array in array is not recommended. Who ever said that originally didn't know what he was talking about.

The problem Brobbi shows is problem with unimplemented basic feature. Beta versions of AutoIt allow direct access by using parentheses, like this:

Local $aInner[2] = ["Elem1", 2]
Local $aOuter[2] = ["Q", $aInner]

$sElem = ($aOuter[1])[0] ; this is string "Elem1"
Edited by trancexx




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It's not true that array in array is not recommended. Who ever said that originally didn't know what he was talking about.

The problem Brobbi shows is problem with unimplemented basic feature. Beta versions of AutoIt allow direct access by using parentheses, like this:

Local $aInner[2] = ["Elem1", 2]
Local $aOuter[2] = ["Q", $aInner]

$sElem = ($aOuter[1])[0] ; this is string "Elem1"

Yeah, that's what I was looking for, but it won't work.... which is okay for me, I just need a workaround ;) Edited by Brobbl
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$temparray = $arayofarray[x]

Would this work? I mean, if I have an array of arrays and put it into another variable, its still an array of arrays and I cant access the values in it, right?

EDIT: The problem is that i never really got into work with 2D arrays very much, I used some INI funktion which returned 2D arrays, but this is the first time i'm trying to create one myself.

Edited by Brobbl
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I think i got it... untested, but I think tested, did some changes and it's okay:


Func _GetReq($Package)
$SQL = _SQLConnect($SQL_servername,$SQL_serverdomain,$SQL_authmode,$SQL_username,$SQL_userpass)
$query = "Select db.dependency, db.mode From dbWhere db.paket = '" & $Package & "'"
$result = _SQLQuery($SQL,$query)
$dependencies = ""
While Not $result.EOF
     $dependencies=$dependencies & $result.Fields("dependency").value & "|" & $result.Fields("mode").value & "||"
$dependencies = StringLeft($dependencies, StringLen($dependencies) - 2)
$temparray1 = StringSplit($dependencies, "||", 1)
Dim $returnarray[$temparray1[0] + 1][2]
$returnarray[0][0] = $temparray1[0]
For $count = 1 To $temparray1[0]
     $temparray2 = StringSplit($temparray1[$count], "|", 3)
     $returnarray[$count][0] = $temparray2[0]
     $returnarray[$count][1] = $temparray2[1]
Return $returnarray

Now I'm looking in what to do if there are no dependecies returned from the database, but I think this is easy =)

Thank you all!

Edited by Brobbl
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