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AutoIT File Uploader

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Hi guys,

I'm trying to write a script which uploads files to a server. Here's my code :

$tirenca = "-----------------------------"
$torrent = "C:\Users\???\Desktop\1.txt"
$boundary = $tirenca & Random(1000000000, 900000000000000)
$oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
$oHTTP.Open("POST", "http://myfirstsite123.net16.net/dd/uploader.php", False)
$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8")
$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate")
;~ $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0")
;~ $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & $boundary)
$fileopen = FileOpen($torrent, 16)
$fileread = ''
While 1
$t = FileRead($fileopen, 1)
If @error Then ExitLoop
If $t <> 0x00 Then $fileread &= BinaryToString($t)
$data = $tirenca & $boundary & @CRLF & 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="my_file"; filename="1.txt"' & @CRLF & 'Content-Type: text/plain' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $fileread & @CRLF & $tirenca & $boundary & @CRLF & 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Upload" & @CRLF & $tirenca & $boundary & "--"
$datasize = StringLen($data)
ConsoleWrite($data & @CRLF)
$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Host", "myfirstsite123.net16.net")
$oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Length", $datasize)
;~ $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
$oHTTP.Send($data); & @CRLF & $data2)
$oReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText
$oStatusCode2 = $oHTTP.Status

But I want to upload .torrents. => if I change 'Content-Type: text/plain' to application/x-bittorrent, the upload fails. I would appriciete it if some one helps me.

I can provide the source code of the php files if needed.

Edited by hiho
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Rather than reporting the thread and asking for it to be deleted because "I found a solution" - why not post the solution to help others. ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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