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Detect OS

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I would like to get some help with an app I am working on. I have several Operating Systems within my enviroment. I have some XP/Server 2003 and a few newer 7/Server 2008. Each operating system reponds differently when I stop and start explorer.exe. So I was hoping to see if I could get some help with having my app determine the OS version and then either do A or do B.  Right now the new applications can determine the username of the currently logged in user with the @username syntax, I am curious if there is something for determining the OS. .... I hope this make some sense.


IF OS = Server 2008 then mxgbox (0, '', 'Server 2008')
ElseIF OS = XP then Msgbox(0, '', 'Windows XP')
Else Msgbox(0, '', 'Error'


Any ideas?





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