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Deleting first line of text in txt file

Go to solution Solved by jdicerch,

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Thank you guys in advanced.  I am trying to edit the first line of a text file, delete the first line of that file, then readd the edited line back in.  For some reason, I can't even write to a specific line in a file. Let me know what I am doing wrong! :D

This is just trying to add "000000" to the first line of that text file.

#include <File.au3>
$sFile = FileOpen("C:\Users\z19jmd\Desktop\test.txt", 1)
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Look at _FileReadToArray and _FileReadFromArray.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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#include <File.au3>

FileWrite("test.txt", "Text of the first line" & @CRLF & _
        "Text of the second line" & @CRLF & "Text of the third line")

$file = FileOpen("test.txt", 0)
$read = FileReadLine($file)
MsgBox(4096, "Before", "First line = " & $read)

_FileWriteToLine("test.txt", 1, "", 1)
$file = FileOpen("test.txt", 0)
$read = FileReadLine($file)
MsgBox(4096, "After    ", "First line = " & $read)
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Thank you guys in advanced.  I am trying to edit the first line of a text file, delete the first line of that file, then readd the edited line back in.  For some reason, I can't even write to a specific line in a file. Let me know what I am doing wrong! :D

This is just trying to add "000000" to the first line of that text file.

#include <File.au3>
$sFile = FileOpen("C:\Users\z19jmd\Desktop\test.txt", 1)

Just so you understand why it was failing and how to find out for yourself next time, add error checking after the line that isn't working.  In this case, you were returning @error = 2 (File does not exist).  This is because you are passing a file handle to a function that is only looking for a file name.

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This is because you are passing a file handle to a function that is only looking for a file name.

Thanks for answering, I always like to know where I went wrong, but what did you mean by passing a file handle?  It didn't want the entire path?

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Thanks for answering, I always like to know where I went wrong, but what did you mean by passing a file handle?  It didn't want the entire path?

When you called fileopen, the return was a file handle, not a filename.  A file handle is a reference to a file that was in this case, opened for writing (append).

So actually, yes it did want the entire path, but you passed it a file handle instead.

when you wrote $sFile = FileOpen... it really should have been $hFile = FileOpen... since it returns a handle not a string containing the path.

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