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Send key from hex value

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Hex for the 7A returns a "z" letter on send command in an ASC return. Hex of the F11 must be around 133 if I remember well. Search the internet. As far as I know the return set of autoit are not correct for all letters.

P.S Why don't you just Send("{F11}"). In case you return it in Hex and you to send it directly then you can use _HetToString function and then send it. You can find it in the String.au3 udf

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Hex for the 7A returns a "z" letter on send command in an ASC return. Hex of the F11 must be around 133 if I remember well. Search the internet. As far as I know the return set of autoit are not correct for all letters.

P.S Why don't you just Send("{F11}"). In case you return it in Hex and you to send it directly then you can use _HetToString function and then send it. You can find it in the String.au3 udf


From the OP's first post, he wants to send a key when something is typed, so every time he types "7" and then "A" he want to send F11. That's different to what you're suggesting.

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From the OP's first post, he wants to send a key when something is typed, so every time he types "7" and then "A" he want to send F11. That's different to what you're suggesting.

Are you sure? Because hex 7A is the hex of F11 which autoit gives... But read the tittle. He is asking if it is possible to send a key from its hex value...

In any case, if you are right then this should work.

#include <Misc.au3>
HotKeySet("t", "_exit")
Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll")
While (True)
 If _IsPressed("37", $hDLL) Then
  If _IsPressed("41", $hDLL) Then
Func _exit()


It only works if the two keystrokes 7 + A are pressed the same time or close enough...

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