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_IECreateEmbedded() Trasparency problem?


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Hello guys; I've got a small problem with _IECreateEmbedded(). I decided now that I will create my GUI's with HTML/CSS instead of going through AlphaGUI and all that GDIPlus for Transparency and so on. I've made codes that took literally 500 lines of code only for the GUI. They're hard to resize/minimize, some flickering and so on. I know that with _IECreateEmbedded and _IEGetObjById I can use a "HTML" as my GUI Front end. 

But I've noticed a small problem, I searched google and the forums a lot and I couldn't really find the answer.

I am kinda new to Objects and so on but at least I am trying.

Here is the problem:


This is how the website looks on my Browser (Opera/Firefox/Chrome/Maxthon)



This is how it looks with the embedded Web control



This is just a sample website, what happens is that the transparency just don't work at all! I tried using the 

ObjCreate("Mozilla.Browser.1") and I got the same problem. It has to do with the Version of the browser, how can I use IE9 (embedded) ? What are the workarounds? any idea? 

I could attach everything if I knew how to :D.

Anyway thanks guys!


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IE Browser control uses IE7, most likely your problem.

I'd be interested to see your code which has the same problem using ObjCreate("Mozilla.Browser.1")

I could attach everything if I knew how to :D.

copy and paste for code.

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Grab the files with the HTML here

Please open the file ss_2.au3

Try to also open the index.html on your "Real browser". and if you've got IE7, try to open it there as well.

I am using >THIS method. And you'll need to have the Mozilla ActiveX thing installed in order to have it working with Mozilla. If you swap the second line: $oIE = ObjCreate("Mozilla.Browser.1") with $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() You'll see no difference. But I've tried to open the www.whatismybrowser.com from my Embedded browser and it gives the correct information (If I am Using  $oIE = ObjCreate("Mozilla.Browser.1")  it shows Mozilla as my browser) and if I am using $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() it shows IE as my browser. 


The Mozilla version though from this ActiveX Link (the only one I could find) is pretty old though...

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
$oIE = ObjCreate("Mozilla.Browser.1")

; Create a simple GUI for our output
GUICreate ( "Embedded Web control Test", 640, 580,(@DesktopWidth-640)/2, (@DesktopHeight-580)/2)
$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ( $oIE, 10, 40 , 600 , 360 )
$GUI_Button_Back = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Back", 10, 420, 100, 30)
$GUI_Button_Forward = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Forward", 120, 420, 100, 30)
$GUI_Button_Home = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Home", 230, 420, 100, 30)
$GUI_Button_Stop = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Stop", 330, 420, 100, 30)

GUISetState () ;Show GUI


; Waiting for user to close the window
While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()

Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
$oIE = 0
Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Home
Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Back
Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Forward
Case $msg = $GUI_Button_Stop


GUIDelete ()


Thanks John!

Edited by decadence
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Ah! I see, that old mozilla control.

There is a >FireFox UDF which I think supports latest FireFox, but also needs third party tools Mozrep (linked in thread)

I also seen someone post a UDF which I think forced the IE embedded browser control to use rendering from later IE8 or IE9, not sure where though I'm afraid.

If I find it before you I'll link it here.

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>This solution works, but I had to install IE9 (which took me about 15 minutes because it also managed to update half of my Windows 7). Which is OK but if I want to distribute this to a friend he will also have to install IE9 - and from what I just learned, there is no (easy way) to do so. There is no offline installer and it will also force a windows update upon your computer... Apart from that I noticed that the website takes a lot to load (even though it is LOCALHOST). But it also takes a lot to load using IE9 normally. Which is weird because it is a lot faster with Firefox/Maxthon/Opera/Chrome... Well thats the reason no one uses IE anymore I guess haha.


So I will try now  the  title="">FireFox UDF, I am still struggling to get it working the way I want, couldn't really find examples. Do you think it is possible to know the events that is going with Firefox similar to "$oIEEvents1 = ObjEvent(_IEGetObjById($oIE, "Menus"), "_MyLink_")" ?


Thank you so much for your help!

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