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StderrRead() hanging up


Go to solution Solved by BrewManNH,

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I am trying to debug why the StderrRead() keeps hanging up in my script. I've tried using the timerdiff() to aid me but it hasn't been able to work since the StderrRead() gets hung up. Is there some way to keep this from happening?

Thank you!


Func _ReverseDNS($IPAddress)
Local $NSLookupCmd,$ResponseText,$X1,$X2
$IPAddress = StringStripWS($IPAddress,3)
$NSLookupCmd = Run(@ComSpec & " /c nslookup "& $IPAddress, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD+$STDERR_CHILD)

$a = TimerInit()
While 1
     If TimerDiff($a) > 10000 Then
          ConsoleWrite("End of Loop" & @CRLF)
          ExitLoop ; 10000 = 10 seconds

     If @error Then ExitLoop

$ResponseText = StdoutRead($NSLookupCmd)

If @error Then Return

$x1 = StringInStr($ResponseText, "Name:")
$x2 = StringInStr($ResponseText, "Address",0,-1)

If $x1 > 0 and $x2 > 0 Then Return StringStripWS(StringMid($ResponseText, $x1 + 6, $x2 - $x1 - 6),3)

Return "Unknown"

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The very first thing I would do is to remove both the /c and the @SW_HIDE from your run command line. Why do you have it closing and hidden before you even get it working right? You should leave the console window open so you can read any errors you might receive. Once you know the script is working as you want it to, then you can start getting fancy with the window.


Second, remove the StdErrRead line and modify your While/Wend loop to something like this.


$a = TimerInit()
While ProcessExists($NSLookupCmd)
     If TimerDiff($a) > 10000 Then
          ConsoleWrite("End of Loop" & @CRLF)
          ExitLoop ; 10000 = 10 seconds

$ResponseText = StdoutRead($NSLookupCmd)

If @error Then Return
You can still read the StdOut after the process has closed so this is a quick and easy way of reading it all at once, and there's no need to check the StdErr stream to see if it errors out.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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