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Re-mapping a network drive to a diffrent location

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hi all,
i have a network share that will be changing to a different share path, i wanted to have a script that will:
1 find the drive letter that is mapping servershareold
2 disconnect servershareold
3 use that same drive letter and map serversharenew
any help is greatly appreciated
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i am having trouble trying to figure out how to get the current driver letter that is being mapped to servershareold and put that into a variable so can then use that driver letter and remap to the new share path

Edited by antmar904
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One way to do it is to create a secondary 2d array, store the network drive letters in one index and use DriveMapGet and store the path.

; Edit these guys to change the mappings
Global $sOrigShare = "\\oldserver\oldshare"
Global $sNewShare = "\\newserver\newshare"
Global $asCurrentSMB[1][2] ; Internal 2d array to keep track of drive letters
$asGetDrives = DriveGetDrive("NETWORK") ; Get Network drives only
If Not @error Then ; If DriveGetDrive finds no network drives then display a MsgBox and exit
ReDim $asCurrentSMB[$asGetDrives[0] + 1][2] ; Resize array based on amount of drives found
$asCurrentSMB[0][0] = $asGetDrives[0] ; Keep index from DriveGetDrive
For $i = 1 To $asGetDrives[0] ; Populate 2d Array 
$asCurrentSMB[$i][0] = $asGetDrives[$i] ;Drive Letter
$asCurrentSMB[$i][1] = DriveMapGet($asGetDrives[$i]) ; Mapping
Exit MsgBox(0, "NOT FOUND", "Unable to locate any network shares.") ; Msgbox and Exiting
For $i = 1 To $asCurrentSMB[0][0] ; Loop through the 2d array
If StringInStr($asCurrentSMB[$i][1], $sOrigShare) Then ; Find if server/shares match
ConsoleWrite("Found " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][0] & " mapped to " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][1]) ; Console information
If DriveMapDel($asCurrentSMB[$i][0]) Then ; Delete drive mapping
ConsoleWrite(".. Removed." & @CRLF)
; Readd and inform console
If DriveMapAdd($asCurrentSMB[$i][0], $sNewShare, 1) Then ConsoleWrite(" Share Created ... " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][1] & " mapped to " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][0] & @CRLF)
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If you open up command prompt and type 'net use' - is it changed?  On my Windows 7 machine it didn't change the display in explorer (assume it would after a restart but I use domain policy for network drives).

Edited by ZacUSNYR
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Windows explorer is an odd one.  The actual new drive is used, but the display on the drive definition will be for the old map.

Not sure how to update it, and I never use explorer to check drives...always 'net use'


Edited by jdelaney
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I got the same behavior, and that registry value doesn't exist.  Restarting explorer fixes it.  

In 7 you can just kill explorer and it'll restart.

If ProcessExists("explorer.exe") Then ProcessClose("explorer.exe")


Could add a flag in the routine to only do that if something changed.

Global $sOrigShare = "\\bashful\general"
Global $sNewShare = "\\scooby\accshare"
Global $bUpdated = False
Global $asCurrentSMB[1][2] ; Internal 2d array to keep track of drive letters
$asGetDrives = DriveGetDrive("NETWORK") ; Get Network drives only
If Not @error Then ; If DriveGetDrive finds no network drives then display a MsgBox and exit
ReDim $asCurrentSMB[$asGetDrives[0] + 1][2] ; Resize array based on amount of drives found
$asCurrentSMB[0][0] = $asGetDrives[0] ; Keep index from DriveGetDrive
For $i = 1 To $asGetDrives[0] ; Populate 2d Array
$asCurrentSMB[$i][0] = $asGetDrives[$i] ;Drive Letter
$asCurrentSMB[$i][1] = DriveMapGet($asGetDrives[$i]) ; Mapping
Exit MsgBox(0, "NOT FOUND", "Unable to locate any network shares.") ; Msgbox and Exiting
For $i = 1 To $asCurrentSMB[0][0] ; Loop through the 2d array
If StringInStr($asCurrentSMB[$i][1], $sOrigShare) Then ; Find if server/shares match
ConsoleWrite("Found " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][0] & " mapped to " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][1]) ; Console information
If DriveMapDel($asCurrentSMB[$i][0]) Then ; Delete drive mapping
ConsoleWrite(".. Removed." & @CRLF)
; Readd and inform console
If DriveMapAdd($asCurrentSMB[$i][0], $sNewShare, 1) Then
ConsoleWrite(" Share Created ... " & $sNewShare & " mapped to " & $asCurrentSMB[$i][0] & @CRLF)
$bUpdated = True
If $bUpdated Then
$sRegKey = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "DesktopProcess")
If Not @error Then
ConsoleWrite("DesktopProcess registry key exists - Value : " & $sRegKey & @CRLF)
If RegDelete("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "DesktopProcess") Then ConsoleWrite(" Deleted." & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("DesktopProcess registry key does not exist." & @CRLF)
If ProcessExists("explorer.exe") Then ProcessClose("explorer.exe")
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