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Finding Text on html


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Ive just started playing around with autoit3 for a while.. and was wondering if i can find a line of text in the html, and execute a command fx. for checking if im logged in or logged out. Im using google chrome but im willing to use IE cause for what ive learned so far is thats what you guys use mostly. Im currently looking into Chrome UDF Plzz keep me updated if you find a way to do this :)

Edited by NizonRox
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Error: Variable Used Without Being Declared.... Help?

#include <IE.au3>

HotKeySet ("{SPACE}", "Check")

While 1

Func Check ()
   MouseClick ( "LEFT", 1046, 196, 1, 1)
If StringInStr(_IEBodyReadText($oIE), "Online") Then
If StringInStr(_IEBodyReadText($oIE), "Offline") Then
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It will find it in whatever URL is loaded when you hit the hotkey combination. it's basically reading whatever is in IE at any given time, you're just telling it which IE window to look at and ignoring the possibility of further automation by using things like _IENavigate()

something I just noticed though is that your source code does not do anything different if online is found or offline. not sure if that was a mistake or not...

Something like this might work better:

$HTML = _IEBodyReadText($oIE)
If StringInStr($HTML, "Online") Then
    ;Code to execute if "Online" was found in the source of currently loaded website
Elseif StringInStr($HTML, "Offline") Then
    ;Code to execute if "Offline" was found in the source of currently loaded website, and "Online" was not
    ;Code to execute if neither "Online" nor "Offline" were found. (An error of some sort, perhaps wrong site loaded)

in this example, I put the source code for the currently loaded website into a variable so you don't have to pull it from IE more than once. the way you had it, each time you checked if a string was found, the script communicated with IE again, causing a small slowdown.

I also used "elseif" instead of two different If statements. This ensures that only one of the group will be true. In your example, if the loaded website contained both "Online" and "Offline" both sets of code would be executed.

I removed the "exit" statement from the code to run. It seems strange that you would go to the trouble to set a hotkey just to have the program exit after it's been used once. without the "exit" code, the script is repeatable and you may continue to use the hotkey to activate the script. otherwise the hotkey just seems unneeded, if you could just run the script and exit when the code was finished.

I've added a section for if neither Online or Offline was found as sort of an error catch, which has the exit in there. Just a few thoughts.

Edited by FlashpointBlack
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Rather than broadly looking for text, you should look for the div that holds the data, and get it's innertext...be sure that the text you are looking for is the actual expected state of your login.

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