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HotKeySet Documentation confusion?

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I'm learning HotKeySet, but am totally confused as-to the meaning of this sentence from the "Remarks" section:


It is better to use the lower keyboard key as for keyboard as Russian one, the unshifted key is not the lower value. I.E. "D" is not the upper case of "B". The Hotkey will not be set and a failure will occur.


What is this trying to tell me? Of course "D" is not the upper case of "B", but that is obvious (to me at least lol). Do I need to be concerned with this, or is this a really really bad documentation error?

- Thanks.

EDIT: I should add I'm using AutoIt version

Edited by KnowsNothing
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hmm, OK I guess. I was worried about the part that said the Hot Key would not be set and a failure would occur. 

If it's nothing to worry about, I wont. 

Continuing --> Is there a place to report bad documentation so that it may be reviewed for the next release?.. I mean, I don't even think Russian Speakers would understand this sentence!

Edited by KnowsNothing
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Thanks John. -- I've noticed how hostile people can become on this forums sometimes. It's rather a shame, it discourages collaboration. its the reason I've stayed away for so long myself. 

Alas, I shall attempt to do my part and contribute to the project, even though it is closed-source. 

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In the developer chat forum.

I'd download the beta help file first and check it, folk in there can get a bit touchy.

Too right, nothing more annoying than having my time wasted for an issue I fixed back in 2012!

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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It is better to use the lower keyboard key as for keyboard as Russian one, the unshifted key is not the lower value. I.E. "D" is not the upper case of "B". The Hotkey will not be set and a failure will occur.


From the Beta Helpfile... o:)

I would venture to assume this refers to using the lowercaese " d " as oppsosed to the Uppercase " D " as a hotkeyset would have to emulate the shift key to make uppercase thus conusing the matter.

just my $0.02


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KnowNothing (or Alupis as you used to be called),


its the reason I've stayed away for so long myself

You do realise that creating multiple accounts is not allowed here as clearly stated in the Forum rules? :huh:

So which of your many accounts do you want to keep? Or shall I just ban all of them? ;)

As you are now on Mod queue, I suggest you contact me via PM - no point in subjecting everyone else to what is likely to be an acrimonious exchange. Unless you have changed significantly since you were last here, which judging by your post here seems unlikely. :D


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