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Converting 4 Lines of JS with RegEx to AutoIT


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The script below is used to do some grammar cleanup for Persian. I replaced Persian words with Eng. I'm trying to write this in AutoIT but I can't really understand it!

var verbs = "(verbOne|verbTwo|verbThree|verbFour|verbFive|verbSix|verbSeven|verbEight)";
var hoohbbhbbhbb = "(preVerbOne|preVerbTwo)" + verbs + "(postVerbOne|postVerbTwo|postVerbThree|postVerbFour|postVerbFive|postVerbSix)"
var re = new RegExp(hoohbbhbbhbb, "g");
s=s.replace (re, '$1\u200c$2$3');

I know simple RegEx and this is very complicated for me.

Could someone help me with this please?

The character "u200c" is ChrW(8204) aka ZWNJ in AutoIT.

Thank you in advance.

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$sText = "preVerbOneverbOnepostVerbOne"

$verbs = "(verbOne|verbTwo|verbThree|verbFour|verbFive|verbSix|verbSeven|verbEight)";

$hoohbbhbbhbb = "(preVerbOne|preVerbTwo)" & $verbs & "(postVerbOne|postVerbTwo|postVerbThree|postVerbFour|postVerbFive|postVerbSix)"

$s = StringRegExpReplace($sText, $hoohbbhbbhbb, '$1' & ChrW(8204) & '$2$3');

MsgBox(0, 0, $s)

Ask if you have any queries.

Regards :)

Edited by PhoenixXL

My code:

PredictText: Predict Text of an Edit Control Like Scite. Remote Gmail: Execute your Scripts through Gmail. StringRegExp:Share and learn RegExp.

Run As System: A command line wrapper around PSEXEC.exe to execute your apps scripts as System (LSA). Database: An easier approach for _SQ_LITE beginners.

MathsEx: A UDF for Fractions and LCM, GCF/HCF. FloatingText: An UDF for make your text floating. Clipboard Extendor: A clipboard monitoring tool. 

Custom ScrollBar: Scroll Bar made with GDI+, user can use bitmaps instead. RestrictEdit_SRE: Restrict text in an Edit Control through a Regular Expression.

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Yes, $n (or n) with n numeric refers to the nth capturing group in the pattern. Note that ZWNJ is -as you said- ChrW(8204) or ChrW(0x200C).This way the spacing should be correct in Persian.


ChrW(8025) is GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DASIA, not exactly what the OP needs.


Edited by jchd

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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I have edited the post :)


My code:

PredictText: Predict Text of an Edit Control Like Scite. Remote Gmail: Execute your Scripts through Gmail. StringRegExp:Share and learn RegExp.

Run As System: A command line wrapper around PSEXEC.exe to execute your apps scripts as System (LSA). Database: An easier approach for _SQ_LITE beginners.

MathsEx: A UDF for Fractions and LCM, GCF/HCF. FloatingText: An UDF for make your text floating. Clipboard Extendor: A clipboard monitoring tool. 

Custom ScrollBar: Scroll Bar made with GDI+, user can use bitmaps instead. RestrictEdit_SRE: Restrict text in an Edit Control through a Regular Expression.

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