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GUI Encapsulation.

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Hi guys. Just a little question. I am not new in AutoIt, or programming in general, so you can answer me the hardest way that you can. Do you think is a good idea encapsulate a GUI(Main and the only GUI in the script) in a func? Not a func that have a loop and still until the user ends, just a func to create the GUI in vars already declared as global(the script is on event mode, so the variables can be local too without any problem, because I don't need them later in a GUIGetMsg loop) and then return. It's a good idea or a bad idea? Or the worst idea in all the time and space?

Global Const iX = 300, $iY = 600
Global Const $sTitle = 'Patheditor', $sAddButtonText = 'Add', $sDeleteButtonText = 'Delete'

Global $hMainGui
Global $iAddButton, $iDeleteButton, $iPathList


Func _MainGuiStartup()
$hMainGui = GUICreate($sTitle, $iX, $iY)
$iAddButton = GUICtrlCreateButton($sAddButtonText, 2, $iY - (($iY / 24) - 2), ($iX / 2) - 1, $iY / 24)
$iDeleteButton = GUICtrlCreateButton($sDeleteButtonText, ($iX / 2) + 1, $iY - (($iY / 24) - 2), ($iX / 2) - 1, $iY / 24)
$iPathList = GUICtrlCreateList('', 2, 2, $iX - 2, $iY - (($iY / 24) - 5))
Local $aMainGuiAccelTable[2][2] = [['^a', $iAddButton], ['^d', $iDeleteButton]+
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hMainGui)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit')
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($iAddButton, '_Add')
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($iDeleteButton, '_Delete')
GUISetAccelerators($aMainGuiAccelTable, $hMainGui)

Codes codes codes.

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Was the time and space comment along with hair disturbingly similar to Tom Baker a deliberate Dr Who reference?

re the gui encapsulation in a function, I wouldn't bother putting it in a function as the code won't be reused.  Still, if it improves readability for you then it doesn't do any harm.

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