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DirCopy Help

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Hi Guys,

So im located in Australia and at work we have a network connecting to our America systems. now when i try to do a DirCopy to copy a folder from the American network to our network so that its easier for the Australian guys to work on (connection is slow between countries) the script doesnt fail, it just runs however doesn't seem to finish or do anything.

Ive got the links correct as i can just copy and paste into explorer and it will open the folders however when automating autoit doesnt seem to want to do anything.

Any ideas, suggestions?

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#include <FileConstants.au3>

DirCopy("\\calypsofsv1.corporate.libgo\CalypsoFS\FCGP US Product Contracts\2014 FCGP Contracting","\\fbnecl3\inzb\Documents\Global Support\USA 2014 Drive",$FC_OVERWRITE)

msgbox(0,"USA DRIVE COPY", "Complete")
have also tried , 1 instead of $FC_OVERWRITE
Edited by 13lack13lade
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I tried using filecopy on one of the files in the folder and it copied over successfully... could it simply be that due to it being a slow connection it will take a long time to copy all the files over?

40kb file took 4.2 seconds to copy... is there a way to speed up the process or nay?

Edited by 13lack13lade
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Good Afternoon 13lack13lade,

I copied and pasted your script but changed both the source and destination. I was able to get it to work however it was just a small text file within a folder that I copied. Try this as it may help with any errors:

#include <FileConstants.au3>
If FileExists("fbnecl3\inzb\Documents\Global Support\USA 2014 Drive\") Then
MsgBox(0, "", "File exists")
DirCopy("\\calypsofsv1.corporate.libgo\CalypsoFS\FCGP US Product Contracts\2014 FCGP Contracting", "\\fbnecl3\inzb\Documents\Global Support\USA 2014 Drive", $FC_OVERWRITE)
If FileExists("\\fbnecl3\inzb\Documents\Global Support\USA 2014 Drive") Then
msgbox(0,"USA DRIVE COPY", "Complete")
msgbox(0,"", @error)

Also make sure that both calypsofsv1.corporate.libgo and fbnec13 can be resolved by name and that whomever is running this has the modify permissions to each of these locations. Hope this helps!

Edited by grimmlock



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If you're operating over a slow link, you may want to put a check in place. Do a DirGetSize on the folder before copying, and a sleep until the DirGetSize matches on the destination computer.

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DirCopy is a blocking function, it won't return to the script until it's done copying everyting.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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I forgot about that, thanks for the correction. Perhaps over a slow link it would be better to enum the files in the directory, then create your structure locally and copy individually, error checking after each.

Edited by JLogan3o13

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It's not blocking if you run it like this :)

Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine  "dircopy()"')

of course, you need to add in the params.

You can then get the PID, and perform a counter, or check the dir dest size vs dir get size.

Example with params, and loop...(assumes dest dir is 0kb):

$iSource = DirGetSize("J:\dom\r10_0\builds\B436")
$iPid = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "dircopy(""J:\somedir\domedir"",@DesktopDir & ""\Test2"",1)"')

While ProcessExists($iPid)
    ConsoleWrite (Round(100*(DirGetSize(@DesktopDir & "\Test2")/$iSource),2) & @CRLF)
    Sleep (500)
Edited by jdelaney
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