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DriveGetDrive() does not return expected data...

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So I have a script that runs during the start up of a WinPE 3.1 device. The WinPE boot device may either be a USB Pen drive, or a CDRom. What my script is supposed to do is look for the attached drives and locate the first that is:

1) either "Removable" or "CDROM"


2) has one of two specific labels "Label1" or "Label2"

I've used the following functions for a number of years, but recently they stopped returning the expected drive letter and path. Upon closer inspection (_ArrayDisplay), the drive letter "C:" was being returned even though the "C:" drive is neither Removable nor a CDROM, and the C drive label does not match either of my conditions. If I remove the "C:" drive from the machine entirely, I still get "C:Data" returned?? Here are the two functions I run to find the correct drive and path, does anyone see something I'm obviously missing? Has DriveGetDrive changed in some way? Is there another way to do what I'm after that may work?

Again, this is all in a WinPE 3.1 X86 (sometimes X64) environment.

Thanks for any suggestions,


Global $DataDrive = "", $ProgData

If $DataDrive = "" Then USB()
If $DataDrive = "" Then USB2()
If $DataDrive = "" Then CD()

If @OSArch = "X86" Then
    $ProgData = $DataDrive & "Data"
    $ProgData = "X:\Program Files"

    MsgBox(16, "ProgDataPath", $ProgData)

Func USB()
    $aDrives = DriveGetDrive("REMOVABLE")
    If @error = 1 Then Return
    For $i = 1 To UBound($aDrives) - 1
        If DriveGetLabel($aDrives[$i]) = "Label1" Then
            $DataDrive = $aDrives[$i] & "\"
EndFunc   ;==>USB

Func USB2()
    $aDrives = DriveGetDrive("REMOVABLE")
    If @error = 1 Then Return
    For $i = 1 To UBound($aDrives) - 1
        If DriveGetLabel($aDrives[$i]) = "Label2" Then
            $DataDrive = $aDrives[$i] & "\"
EndFunc   ;==>USB

Func CD()
    $aDrives = DriveGetDrive("CDROM")
    If @error = 1 Then Return
    For $i = 1 To UBound($aDrives) - 1
        If DriveGetLabel($aDrives[$i]) = "Label2" Then
            $DataDrive = $aDrives[$i] & "\"
EndFunc   ;==>CD
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can't help with your specific issue i'm afraid (will try next time i launch WinPE). but if you are trying to detect the drive where your AutoIt script is located, easier be extracted from:


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InputImpose - impose valid characters in an input control

TimeConvert - convert UTC to/from local time and/or reformat the string representation

AMF - accept multiple files from Windows Explorer context menu

DateDuration -  literal description of the difference between given dates


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Show For Files - tray menu to show/hide files extensions, hidden & system files, and selection checkboxes

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can't help with your specific issue i'm afraid (will try next time i launch WinPE). but if you are trying to detect the drive where your AutoIt script is located, easier be extracted from:


Thanks for the reply orbs, but unfortunatly no, my script is always located on the X: drive, the Data folder can vary by how many drives are already installed on the system. I'm currently playing with DriveGetStatus in case searching for only 'Ready' dirves helps.


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So in case anyone comes across this post and has similar issues, this tidbit (found in the forums somewhere) seems to work.

Func NewWay()
    Local $myDrive
    Local $aDrives = DriveGetDrive('ALL')
    If IsArray($aDrives) Then
        For $sDrive In $aDrives
            If DriveStatus($sDrive) = 'READY' Then
                ; filter out drive types not wanted
                Switch DriveGetType($sDrive)
                    Case 'Network', 'FIXED', 'RAMDISK', 'Unknown'
                If DriveGetLabel($sDrive) = 'Label1' Then
                    $DataDrive = $sDrive & "\"
                ElseIf DriveGetLabel($sDrive) = 'Label2' Then
                    $DataDrive = $sDrive & "\"
EndFunc   ;==>NewWay

I'm still not sure why my other functions had been working for a few years, and then suddenly ceased to do so. Oh well.


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