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Can I automate reconnections via broadband dongle software interface?

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My problem is that the tata photon plus dongle keeps disconnecting from the server side after a while. I need an automation script which can check if the internet is active or disconnected for specified time intervals (seconds, minutes etc) maybe just like ping testers;

if inactive (disconnected), reconnect by automating the connect button clicking. This might be the difficult part, since I don't see any hotkey combination for the connect button.

Is this possible with autoit3?

If possible, can some of the experts here guide me? I am a noob and am trying to achieve this with one of autoit3 or autohotkey.


Edited by x26s
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if i read you correctly, you have a USB wireless network interface on a Windows server, which automatically disconnects from the wireless router if there is no internet activity for some time.

in this case, a possible solution would be to run a script in the background which will initiate web traffic every some time, so the disconnection is avoided.

Signature - my forum contributions:



LFN - support for long file names (over 260 characters)

InputImpose - impose valid characters in an input control

TimeConvert - convert UTC to/from local time and/or reformat the string representation

AMF - accept multiple files from Windows Explorer context menu

DateDuration -  literal description of the difference between given dates


Touch - set the "modified" timestamp of a file to current time

Show For Files - tray menu to show/hide files extensions, hidden & system files, and selection checkboxes

SPDiff - Single-Pane Text Diff


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@OP: Use AutoIt Window Info on the dongle's software and see if it can recognize the reconnect button, check the help file and try to write your own script, give it a shot and post your attempt after.

@orbs: I doubt that will fix the issue, and even if it did fix the issue of disconnecting for being idle, it won't do any good if the device disconnects for any other reason, which in my case is over heating while downloading most of the time.

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That was really fast!! Thanks to both of you.

@orbs, the disconnection is not from router, it is from the server. The Indian ISP Tata Photon is a bigtime fraud. In an unlimited connection deal, one gets speeds upto 256KB/s (read maximum70-100KB/s in reality) until about 11GB is exhausted. Thereafter, we get 20kB/s roughly for the rest of the month. And unsurprisingly, the disconnection problem comes during the Minus 11GB part of the UNLIMITED deal of these bigtime frauds. The get-around for this is reconnecting immediately. I tried using ping testers which give an alarm when the net goes off, but the problem is it drains the bandwidth slowly, and i have to manually reconnect every time. I just figured out that a bandwidth monitor (networkx in particular) gives alarms when the bandwidth falls below specified level. Unfortunately, networkx has some bug with the reporting and messes up the KB with MB. Bandwidth monitor (another software) doesnt have alarm option for decreasing speeds.

By the way, I have tried your solution with AHK's Noise script which does exactly what you have recommended, and also Mouse recorder to record a macro to activate the interface on disconnection (by running it from networkx), but these didnt help much.


I think your advice is in the right track. I'll try, but I am a complete noob here. Lets see if I can get till there. For now, this is what I found in the window spy

>>>>>>>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<<<<<<<<
Photon Plus
ahk_class QWidget
>>>>>>>>>>>>( Mouse Position )<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On Screen:    1085, 300  (less often used)
In Active Window:    922, 179
>>>>>>>>>( Now Under Mouse Cursor )<<<<<<<<
Color:    0xF0F0F0  (Blue=F0 Green=F0 Red=F0)
>>>>>>>>>>( Active Window Position )<<<<<<<<<<
left: 163     top: 121     width: 800     height: 500


The rest was empty.

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Checked it with Window Info of AutoIT v3 too. The results are pretty much the same.


Anyway, I managed to automate the process by a crude method, so that i can leave the dongle on for the entire night.
I use networkx which monitors the bandwidth and allows to set alarms/run tasks at predetermined speeds.
When the speed drops below 15kB/s within 15 seconds I assume it has disconnected. (Maybe leaving this for longer might make it more reliable in detecting a true disconnection).

Anyway, when the criteria is met, networkx is set to run a macro recorded for mouse movements.
The macro itself is very risky; it fails even if some changes occur within a few pixels...for example, if the interface window moves a bit.

The right solution would be to automate without the macro i.e.,
1. do exactly like networx (monitor bandwidth and when it drops to zero),
2. send reconnect signal without activating the dongle software interface.

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Use >IUIAutomation and see if it can identify the Connect/Disconnect button, if it then you should be able to accomplish what you want with ease.


I tried that link, but could'nt find any downloads. When I tried to use the code "iuiautomation-demo.au3" on that page, it gave an error "UIAWrappers.au3 not found"

Tried to install ldtp, but couldn't make head or tail of it either.

Can you just tell me how to proceed? what to download, install run etc

sorry for the trouble


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Download this, extract it to a folder and save this script in the same folder:

#include <GuiEdit.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include "UIAWrappers.au3"
#include <Misc.au3>
AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y  ;Should be used for stuff like tagpoint having right struct etc. when running on a 64 bits os
dim $oldUIElement ; To keep track of latest referenced element
dim $Form1, $Edit1, $label1, $label2, $msg, $x, $y, $oUIElement, $oTW, $objParent, $oldElement, $text1, $t
;~ Some references for reading
;~ [url=http://support.microsoft.com/kb/138518/nl]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/138518/nl[/url]  tagpoint structures attention point
;~ [url=http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/128406-interface-autoitobject-iuiautomation/]http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/128406-interface-autoitobject-iuiautomation/[/url]
;~ [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff625914(v=vs.85).aspx]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff625914(v=vs.85).aspx[/url]
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Close") ; Set ESC as a hotkey to exit the script.
HotKeySet("^w", "GetElementInfo") ; Set Hotkey Ctrl+M to get some basic information in the GUI
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 1024, 768, 192, 124)
$Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 600, 700)
;~ $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 10, 10)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ctrl+W to capture information", 640,10,600,25)
$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Escape to exit", 640,45,600,25)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While true
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
;~ if _ispressed(01) Then
;~ getelementinfo()
;~ endif
If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
Func GetElementInfo()
Local $hWnd
Local $tStruct = DllStructCreate($tagPOINT) ; Create a structure that defines the point to be checked.
;~ Local $tStruct = DllStructCreate("INT64,INT64")
;~ Local $tStruct =_AutoItObject_DllStructCreate($tagPoint)
Global $UIA_oUIAutomation ;The main library core CUI automation reference
Global $UIA_oDesktop, $UIA_pDesktop  ;Desktop will be frequently the starting point
Global $UIA_oUIElement, $UIA_pUIElement  ;Used frequently to get an element
Global $UIA_oTW, $UIA_pTW  ;Generic treewalker which is allways available
DllStructSetData($tStruct, "x", $x)
DllStructSetData($tStruct, "y", $y)
consolewrite(DllStructGetData($tStruct,"x") & DllStructGetData($tStruct,"y"))
;~ consolewrite("Mouse position is retrieved " & @crlf)
$UIA_oUIAutomation.ElementFromPoint($tStruct,$UIA_pUIElement )
;~ $objUIAutomation.ElementFromPoint(DllStructGetPtr($tStruct),$pUIElement)
;~ consolewrite("Element from point is passed, trying to convert to object ")
$oUIElement = objcreateinterface($UIA_pUIElement,$sIID_IUIAutomationElement, $dtagIUIAutomationElement)
$oTW=ObjCreateInterface($UIA_pTW, $sIID_IUIAutomationTreeWalker, $dtagIUIAutomationTreeWalker)
    If IsObj($oTW) = 0 Then
        msgbox(1,"UI automation treewalker failed", "UI Automation failed failed",10)
local $parentHandle
$objParent=objcreateinterface($parentHandle,$sIID_IUIAutomationElement, $dtagIUIAutomationElement)
If IsObj($objParent) = 0 Then
msgbox(1,"No parent", "UI Automation failed failed",10)
if isobj($oldUIElement) Then
if $oldUIElement=$oUIElement then
_WinAPI_RedrawWindow(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow(), 0, 0, $RDW_INVALIDATE + $RDW_ALLCHILDREN) ; Clears Red outline graphics.
GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, "Mouse position is retrieved " & $x & "-" & $y & @CRLF)
If IsObj($oUIElement) Then
;~  ConsoleWrite("At least we have an element "  & "[" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement, $UIA_NamePropertyId) & "][" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement, $UIA_ClassNamePropertyId) & "]" & @CRLF)
GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, "At least we have an element "  & "[" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement, $UIA_NamePropertyId) & "][" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement, $UIA_ClassNamePropertyId) & "]" & @CRLF,1)
    $text1="Title is: <" &  _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement,$UIA_NamePropertyId) &  ">" & @TAB _
   & "Class   := <" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement,$uia_classnamepropertyid) &  ">" & @TAB _
& "controltype:= " _
& "<" &  _UIA_getControlName(_UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId)) &  ">" & @TAB  _
& ",<" &  _UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId) &  ">" & @TAB  _
& ", (" &  hex(_UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId)) &  ")" & @TAB & @CRLF
    $text1=$text1 & "*** Parent Information ***" & @CRLF
    $text1=$Text1 & "Title is: <" &  _UIA_getPropertyValue($objParent,$UIA_NamePropertyId) &  ">" & @TAB _
   & "Class   := <" & _UIA_getPropertyValue($objParent,$uia_classnamepropertyid) &  ">" & @TAB _
& "controltype:= " _
& "<" &  _UIA_getControlName(_UIA_getPropertyValue($objParent,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId)) &  ">" & @TAB  _
& ",<" &  _UIA_getPropertyValue($objParent,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId) &  ">" & @TAB  _
& ", (" &  hex(_UIA_getPropertyValue($objParent,$UIA_ControlTypePropertyId)) &  ")" & @TAB & @CRLF
$text1=$text1 & "*** Detailed properties of the highlighted element ***"
$text1= $text1 & @CRLF & _UIA_getAllPropertyValues($oUIElement)
GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, "Having the following values for all properties: " & @crlf & $text1 & @CRLF, 1)
_GUICtrlEdit_LineScroll($Edit1, 0, 0 - _GUICtrlEdit_GetLineCount($Edit1))
$t=stringsplit(_UIA_getPropertyValue($oUIElement, $UIA_BoundingRectanglePropertyId),";")
EndFunc   ;==>Example
Func Close()
EndFunc   ;==>Close


Run the script and point at the Connect/Disconnect button then hold Ctrl + W, it should give you an idea on what the button is, post the result here.

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 I changed the line
 from Y to N and I got this error on running the built script.
 Line 5641 (File "G:program filesautoit3uiabuttongrabber.exe")
 Error: Variable used without being declared

 So I changed the first line
      AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)
 from 1 to 0 and got this result. Not sure if this is right. (I was not able to catch the centre connect/disconnect button, but only the entire window.)


Mouse position is retrieved 1146-245
At least we have an element [Photon Plus][QWidget]
Having the following values for all properties: 
Title is: <Photon Plus> Class   := <QWidget>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>   ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    
*** Parent Information ***
Title is: <Desktop> Class   := <#32769> controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>   ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    
*** Detailed properties of the highlighted element ***
UIA_AcceleratorKeyPropertyId :=
UIA_AccessKeyPropertyId :=
UIA_AriaPropertiesPropertyId :=
UIA_AriaRolePropertyId :=
UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId :=
UIA_BoundingRectanglePropertyId :=423;227;800;500
UIA_ClassNamePropertyId :=QWidget
UIA_ClickablePointPropertyId :=
UIA_ControllerForPropertyId :=
UIA_ControlTypePropertyId :=50033
UIA_CulturePropertyId :=0
UIA_DescribedByPropertyId :=
UIA_DockDockPositionPropertyId :=5
UIA_ExpandCollapseExpandCollapseStatePropertyId :=3
UIA_FlowsToPropertyId :=
UIA_FrameworkIdPropertyId :=Win32
UIA_GridColumnCountPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemColumnPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemColumnSpanPropertyId :=1
UIA_GridItemContainingGridPropertyId :=
UIA_GridItemRowPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemRowSpanPropertyId :=1
UIA_GridRowCountPropertyId :=0
UIA_HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId :=False
UIA_HelpTextPropertyId :=
UIA_IsContentElementPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsControlElementPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsDataValidForFormPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsDockPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsGridItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsGridPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsInvokePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsItemContainerPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsKeyboardFocusablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsLegacyIAccessiblePatternAvailablePropertyId :=True
UIA_IsMultipleViewPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsOffscreenPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsPasswordPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsRangeValuePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsRequiredForFormPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsScrollItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsScrollPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSelectionItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSelectionPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSynchronizedInputPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTableItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTablePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTextPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTogglePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTransformPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsValuePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsVirtualizedItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsWindowPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ItemStatusPropertyId :=
UIA_ItemTypePropertyId :=
UIA_LabeledByPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleChildIdPropertyId :=0
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleDefaultActionPropertyId :=SetFocus
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleDescriptionPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleHelpPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleKeyboardShortcutPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleNamePropertyId :=Photon Plus
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleRolePropertyId :=10
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleSelectionPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleStatePropertyId :=131072
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleValuePropertyId :=
UIA_LocalizedControlTypePropertyId :=pane
UIA_MultipleViewCurrentViewPropertyId :=0
UIA_MultipleViewSupportedViewsPropertyId :=
UIA_NamePropertyId :=Photon Plus
UIA_NativeWindowHandlePropertyId :=197232
UIA_OrientationPropertyId :=0
UIA_ProcessIdPropertyId :=4408
UIA_ProviderDescriptionPropertyId :=[pid:11532,hwnd:0x30270 Main:Nested [pid:4408,hwnd:0x30270 Main(parent link):Microsoft: MSAA Proxy (unmanaged:uiautomationcore.dll)]; Hwnd(parent link):Microsoft: HWND Proxy (unmanaged:uiautomationcore.dll)]
UIA_RangeValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId :=True
UIA_RangeValueLargeChangePropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueMaximumPropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueMinimumPropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueSmallChangePropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueValuePropertyId :=0
UIA_RuntimeIdPropertyId :=42;197232
UIA_ScrollHorizontallyScrollablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ScrollHorizontalScrollPercentPropertyId :=0
UIA_ScrollHorizontalViewSizePropertyId :=100
UIA_ScrollVerticallyScrollablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ScrollVerticalScrollPercentPropertyId :=0
UIA_ScrollVerticalViewSizePropertyId :=100
UIA_SelectionCanSelectMultiplePropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionIsSelectionRequiredPropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionselectionPropertyId :=
UIA_SelectionItemIsSelectedPropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionItemSelectionContainerPropertyId :=
UIA_TableColumnHeadersPropertyId :=
UIA_TableItemColumnHeaderItemsPropertyId :=
UIA_TableRowHeadersPropertyId :=
UIA_TableRowOrColumnMajorPropertyId :=2
UIA_TableItemRowHeaderItemsPropertyId :=
UIA_ToggleToggleStatePropertyId :=2
UIA_TransformCanMovePropertyId :=False
UIA_TransformCanResizePropertyId :=False
UIA_TransformCanRotatePropertyId :=False
UIA_ValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId :=True
UIA_ValueValuePropertyId :=
UIA_WindowCanMaximizePropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowCanMinimizePropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowIsModalPropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowIsTopmostPropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowWindowInteractionStatePropertyId :=0
UIA_WindowWindowVisualStatePropertyId :=0
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Sorry for the repost. I tried again and this time I managed to get a smaller rectangle bordered over the center connect/disconnect button at the "press and hold" of the connect button. This is relevant I guess.

Mouse position is retrieved 638-480
At least we have an element [][QWidget]
Having the following values for all properties: 
Title is: <>    Class   := <QWidget>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>   ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    
*** Parent Information ***
Title is: <>    Class   := <QWidget>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>   ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    
*** Detailed properties of the highlighted element ***
UIA_AcceleratorKeyPropertyId :=
UIA_AccessKeyPropertyId :=
UIA_AriaPropertiesPropertyId :=
UIA_AriaRolePropertyId :=
UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId :=
UIA_BoundingRectanglePropertyId :=593;458;80;36
UIA_ClassNamePropertyId :=QWidget
UIA_ClickablePointPropertyId :=
UIA_ControllerForPropertyId :=
UIA_ControlTypePropertyId :=50033
UIA_CulturePropertyId :=0
UIA_DescribedByPropertyId :=
UIA_DockDockPositionPropertyId :=5
UIA_ExpandCollapseExpandCollapseStatePropertyId :=3
UIA_FlowsToPropertyId :=
UIA_FrameworkIdPropertyId :=Win32
UIA_GridColumnCountPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemColumnPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemColumnSpanPropertyId :=1
UIA_GridItemContainingGridPropertyId :=
UIA_GridItemRowPropertyId :=0
UIA_GridItemRowSpanPropertyId :=1
UIA_GridRowCountPropertyId :=0
UIA_HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId :=True
UIA_HelpTextPropertyId :=
UIA_IsContentElementPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsControlElementPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsDataValidForFormPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsDockPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId :=True
UIA_IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsGridItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsGridPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsInvokePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsItemContainerPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsKeyboardFocusablePropertyId :=True
UIA_IsLegacyIAccessiblePatternAvailablePropertyId :=True
UIA_IsMultipleViewPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsOffscreenPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsPasswordPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsRangeValuePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsRequiredForFormPropertyId :=False
UIA_IsScrollItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsScrollPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSelectionItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSelectionPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsSynchronizedInputPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTableItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTablePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTextPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTogglePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsTransformPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsValuePatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsVirtualizedItemPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_IsWindowPatternAvailablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ItemStatusPropertyId :=
UIA_ItemTypePropertyId :=
UIA_LabeledByPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleChildIdPropertyId :=0
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleDefaultActionPropertyId :=SetFocus
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleDescriptionPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleHelpPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleKeyboardShortcutPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleNamePropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleRolePropertyId :=10
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleSelectionPropertyId :=
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleStatePropertyId :=1048580
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleValuePropertyId :=
UIA_LocalizedControlTypePropertyId :=pane
UIA_MultipleViewCurrentViewPropertyId :=0
UIA_MultipleViewSupportedViewsPropertyId :=
UIA_NamePropertyId :=
UIA_NativeWindowHandlePropertyId :=3016084
UIA_OrientationPropertyId :=0
UIA_ProcessIdPropertyId :=38408
UIA_ProviderDescriptionPropertyId :=[pid:37052,hwnd:0x2E0594 Main:Nested [pid:38408,hwnd:0x2E0594 Main(parent link):Microsoft: MSAA Proxy (unmanaged:uiautomationcore.dll)]; Hwnd(parent link):Microsoft: HWND Proxy (unmanaged:uiautomationcore.dll)]
UIA_RangeValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId :=True
UIA_RangeValueLargeChangePropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueMaximumPropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueMinimumPropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueSmallChangePropertyId :=0
UIA_RangeValueValuePropertyId :=0
UIA_RuntimeIdPropertyId :=42;3016084
UIA_ScrollHorizontallyScrollablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ScrollHorizontalScrollPercentPropertyId :=0
UIA_ScrollHorizontalViewSizePropertyId :=100
UIA_ScrollVerticallyScrollablePropertyId :=False
UIA_ScrollVerticalScrollPercentPropertyId :=0
UIA_ScrollVerticalViewSizePropertyId :=100
UIA_SelectionCanSelectMultiplePropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionIsSelectionRequiredPropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionselectionPropertyId :=
UIA_SelectionItemIsSelectedPropertyId :=False
UIA_SelectionItemSelectionContainerPropertyId :=
UIA_TableColumnHeadersPropertyId :=
UIA_TableItemColumnHeaderItemsPropertyId :=
UIA_TableRowHeadersPropertyId :=
UIA_TableRowOrColumnMajorPropertyId :=2
UIA_TableItemRowHeaderItemsPropertyId :=
UIA_ToggleToggleStatePropertyId :=2
UIA_TransformCanMovePropertyId :=False
UIA_TransformCanResizePropertyId :=False
UIA_TransformCanRotatePropertyId :=False
UIA_ValueIsReadOnlyPropertyId :=True
UIA_ValueValuePropertyId :=
UIA_WindowCanMaximizePropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowCanMinimizePropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowIsModalPropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowIsTopmostPropertyId :=False
UIA_WindowWindowInteractionStatePropertyId :=0
UIA_WindowWindowVisualStatePropertyId :=0
Edited by x26s
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