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Uploaded Updated Udf Manager


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I uploaded the UDFManager version I had at work. This should be the latest code that I have for it. Hopefully it takes care of any problems people were having with it. :whistle:

Changes are:

1.3.1(11th Mar. 2004)

-Rearranged code

-Moved all selects to functions.

-Use call() instead of select stament.

-Moved some redundant code to UDF's.

I will be working on moving this to au3-gui next. Then I will work on Josbe's ideas from there. B)


Edit: Forgot link so here: UDF Manager

Edited by redndahead
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I decided since au3-gui is still in fluctuation as far as syntax I would hold off and work on Josbe's items.

- Improv.: In the search section, a text when the string searched wasn't found.

- Change: Read only combo boxes (only in cases needed for user inputs)

- Add: Small history of strings recently searched (Combo box editable instead Edit control).

- Add: Status bar (Label text), for example for show the actual path UDF's.(for copy)

- Or copy path button.

- Add: A text displaying the number version's.

- Add: A section for a list of recent UDF or most included.

Alright Josbe here is some of the updates done on the new version. Need some clarification on others.

Exactly what do you want with the status bar? Do you want if you click on a file then it will show the path of the file down at the bottom? And what do you want me to do with the copy path button?

Here are the changes of the updated version:

1.3.2(22nd Mar. 2004)

-Made comboboxes read-only

-Fixed problem with search function

-Added message box to end of search function.

-Added about box that contains version and contact information.

-Fixed major problems with managing UDF's.

While Rearranging code forgot to move some of the gui numbers.

-Added a confirmation box on saving.

Find it here: UDF Manager


Edited by redndahead
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