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Multiple IE windows and ControlClick

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Hi everyone!

I'm a great fan of AutoIt and this is my first post here in the forums since I met a somewhat tricky problem.

I'm dealing with multiple IE connections, each running in a separate script as a kind of multi threading. Each script starts a new IE browser window, in-private for getting a new session. I need the scripts to click a certain position within the loaded website, and this should work even when the window does not have focus. The element is a flash object, and I need to click a certain position within the object.

Currently I use ControlClick in this way to click the object:

ControlClick($hwnd, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]", "left", 1, 600, 340)

(the $hwnd was fetched from the IE object)

With multiple windows the code above would need to be modified to click the right window, and as far as I guessed I tried to change the INSTANCE number. I'm not sure how that works, because simply increasing it by one for each new window seems to not work as I thought.

My second idea was if there is any other way to click an object which is not necessary a link or form element, which can also supply some kind of relative coordinates. That might also work.

If anyone have any ideas on how to click flash objects for a certain IE instance, I'd be happy to see your reply below.


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An idea: I can get the flash object with _IEGetObjById, but then is it possible to click it with some relative coordinates specified? As far as I know the _IEAction does not take any coordinates, but maybe there is another way to click it?

(sorry, I didn't have permissions to edit my own post above somehow)

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I'm only aware of grabbing an element from a point, and initiating a click event at the element.


Not sure of any way to send a click at a specific coord within an element....again, it's an event being triggered, not an actual mouse click.

Edited by jdelaney
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