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Success/Failure return value

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The help files of my most recent autoit version (v3.3.12.0) list Success/Failure as function return values (eg WinWaitActive).

The accompanying Scite also seems to be aware of these keywords (eg via autocompletion).

However when I try to run code using these keywords I get

 error: Success(): undefined function.

( I do not have added the () behind the keyword, that is the "compiler" makes things up himself )


Success is not present in the F1 help index.

Anyone an idea what is going on there, is this a depricated keyword with leftovers in the documentation/autocompletion ?

Or is there another context where the Success keyword exists ?

And can I just replace Success/Failure by True/False ?

( Sorry if the question has been asked before, searching for Success/Failure is a PITA)



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( Sorry if the question has been asked before, searching for Success/Failure is a PITA)

I think this is the first of its kind. How long have you been using AutoIt? As I checked your previous posts and it seems you have an understanding.

How could we make it clearer? As right this second I am working on the help file.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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How could we make it clearer? As right this second I am working on the help file.


I wouldn't worry too much about it  :

- It is past midnight here so I am probably not at my best :)

- It's been a while since I have last used autoit so I wasn't familiar with the formatting of the help files anymore. I was expecting something formatted like what you would get eg when using doxygen on

retval 0               Success, task completed

retval -EIO          I/O Failure

retval -ENOMEM Not enough memory available

retval -EFAULT   Unkown error

So that is what my tired eyes saw in the Success/Failure :)

- The fact that Scite knows "Success" is a bit weird though (and seemed to confirm my misinterpretation)

Edited by Beamer145
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