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A way to incorporate .au3 and .dll files and images into a complied program?


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Hey Guys,

I use Skype.au3, ImageSearch,au3 and ImageSearch.dll and a bunch of images in a few of my scripts and rather than having them as files in the same directory as my script can I have them inside the .exe?

Obviously for the autoit files I can use #include <ImageSearch.au3> or for the location #include "[path]filename" but how can I do it for the images and the dll files?

For example part of my imagesearch is the following:

Local $ImageSearch = _ImageSearch(@ScriptDir & "/Resources/" & "LCP.png", 1, $XCoords, $YCoords, 5)

I would like to turn that into something like:

Local $ImageSearch = _ImageSearch(LCP, 1, $XCoords, $YCoords, 25)

Which would be read from the .exes internal storage rather than a location on the computer (that doesn't mean a bit of code to just set all of the locations of the files at the start of the code turning them into variables...

Any ideas?

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