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I have a problem that i can't arrived to solve.

I'm testing the cell that is activate when a mouse clic is realised on an excel sheet

 If _IsPressed("01", $dll) Then

The problem is if i clic on the "formula bar" (after the =)

The script crash

I have try to use "RunErrorsFatal" option but that don't work.

Could you help me ?

Any idea ?



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Please post the rest of your code.

Is your script erroring out, or just quitting?

Also, the RunErrorsFatal option only applies to programs launched using Run/RunWait.

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I am interested in Excel, but do not know it well.

What happens if you

1."ispressed" a rightclick formula bar,

2. read mouse location

3. read the cell

4. send left click to that mouse location?

My theory is the left click might be "de-activating" the cell?...

Interested to hear?


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I am interested in Excel, but do not know it well.

What happens if you

1."ispressed" a rightclick formula bar,

2. read mouse location

3. read the cell

4. send left click to that mouse location?

My theory is the left click might be "de-activating" the cell?...

Interested to hear?


Randall i'll put a exemple this week end

If you clic the formula bar, the script crash directly so you can't read the cell

Edited by Azazel
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Does the "Active.cell" get read OK in your script if you start it some other way than the mouse click? [i presume you have "ObjGet" or similar command before. .. etc

Is your object OK - "excel.app" or workbook obj...etc?]?


PS I agree; I can't get mouse click to work properly?.....

Edited by randallc
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this works for me;


#include <Misc.au3>



$oExcel.Windows (1).Visible = 1;

$oExcel.Worksheets (1).Activate

$oExcel.ActiveSheet.Visible = 1

$oExcel.Application.Visible = 1

While 1

Sleep ( 25 )

If _IsPressed("02") Then

$pos = MouseGetPos()


MouseClick("left", $pos[0],$pos[1])




MsgBox(0,"_IsPressed", "Mouse Pressed"&$actual)


Best, Randall Edited by randallc
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This is a exemple of the script witch crash when you clic formula bar in excel

#include <Misc.au3>
$oExcel = Objcreate("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.Visible = 1
$dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")

While 1
    Sleep ( 90 )
    If _IsPressed("01", $dll) Then

for the moment i have made a correction in this way :

#include <Misc.au3>
$oExcel = Objcreate("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.Visible = 1
$dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")

While 1
    Sleep ( 90 )
    $focus = ControlGetFocus("Microsoft Excel")
    If _IsPressed("01", $dll) And $focus="EXCEL71" Then

But it's not for me the better way.

Any idea to correct the crash when you click the formula bar ?

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As I saud, I think the excel app does NOT have any "active Cell" during "formula bar" mode just as you cannot shut the window in that mode by, say, clicking on top right "X"); threefore, you have to get the "active Cell" before the left click is sent; eg as below, use the right click.)

#include <Misc.au3>

$oExcel = Objcreate("Excel.Application")

$oExcel.Visible = 1


While 1

Sleep ( 20 )

$focus = ControlGetFocus("Microsoft Excel")

If _IsPressed("01") And $focus="EXCEL71" Then


MsgBox(0,"On Left click","On Left click="&$actual)


If _IsPressed("02") Then

;Maybe you can set a "focus" for formula control only here to avoid errors if you miss the formula bar!

$pos = MouseGetPos()


MsgBox(0,"On Right click","On Right click="&$actual)

MouseClick("left", $pos[0],$pos[1])



best, Randall
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Problem solved...

#include <Misc.au3>
Global $actual2
$oExcel = Objcreate("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.Visible = 1
While WinExists($title)
Sleep ( 20 )
$focus = ControlGetFocus("Microsoft Excel")
If _IsPressed("01") And $focus="EXCEL71" Then
if $actual2<>$actual Then
if StringLeft($actual,2)="$G" Then MsgBox(0,"","Select")

Thx to all

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