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Ignore Characters, symbols within a function


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Ignore Characters, symbols within a function


Hello, Mr Bones here.

Perhaps I have the wrong keywords to find this command. But let me produce the following string:

Local $pid = RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, @ComSpec & " /c " & "psexec " & $ComputerName & " C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14Word.exe -noaddons", @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW)

Closely looking? Simply said its a psexec command I wish to perform on another computer. But when it comes to C:program files . I have an error feedback in dos that it says it cannot find C:program     

So I was thinking of using more double quotes, but that doesn't work. For it will only do beginning and end. I was looking for the symbol that will make Autoit interpret it as something to be ignored. I remember it might have been something like ^ but my old brain isn't as super as it used to be,

Best regards,

Mr Bones

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One way to acomplish this--since you are using Autoit--You can use single quotes to define a string in Autoit.  I've used single quotes to define a string that has double quotes in it without consequence, but ther are other ways...this just happens to be an easy/lazy way of doing so.

Notice below I changed the double quotes surrounding C:Program....-noaddons to single then wrapped the path with double quotes.  Give that a shot.

Local $pid = RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, @ComSpec & " /c " & "psexec \\" & $ComputerName & ' "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Word.exe" -noaddons', @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW)
Edited by spudw2k
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In Dos the correct method would be

psexec %ComputerName% "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14Word.exe" -noaddons

so I'm trying to input that command with the help of autoit. Doublequotes won't do the trick, single quotes I have attempted, but those are not picked up by autoIT or by the psexec command.

Best regards,

Mr Bones

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Excellent, the single quote works. Thank you. Still looking for that ignore symbol in question if anyone knows it. Or even if it exists.

In my memory of autoit I think it was there in earlier versions, than got removed.

Best regards,

Mr Bones

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