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2 "impossible" detection methods? (js window, menu choice)


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1) When you bookmark a link in Firefox, it now has a kind of window that the AutoIt tool can't detect?

Is it a javascript thing maybe?

My ideal would be to have the description text deleted without having to press anything.
I could somehow assign macros to some button but auto-detection would be nicer :)


2) Alternately, I am wondering if it is possible or could ever be made possible to detect which menu choice someone has clicked in a program and act upon that...?

Thanks  :)

Edited by Guy_
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Oops, I am not using the standard bookmarking in Firefox but the "Add bookmark here ² " add-on.

Since it is a bookmark "here" menu option (inside a folder of your choice), it can have no shortcut that I could have trigger something else, I think.

In the add-on options, I can make Description invisible or bookmark without any dialog, but all of that still saves the superfluous description texts...

Anyway, it is technically interesting to know the answers for these cases in general :)

Edited by Guy_
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