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Finding installed path


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Greetings all!

I have a friend whom I am trying to introduce to AutoIt, since it's such a great tool.  He is in need of a script that will start his company's software on remote systems.  My immediate thought was that examining @AutoItExe would provide him with a template to satisfy his needs, but it turns out that the return from that macro is only for a running process, and he needs the return for the installation files, whether the application is running or not.  Besides, I couldn't fine the code for macros.  Perhaps someone can point me to macro codes? 

I pointed him to

 See  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee872121(v=vs.85).aspx   for details of which registry entry to read with AutoIt and also which registry write entry to write into the install code to allow you to read it later. 

The above link will point to the registry entry if the installation file registers the install path, but it seems he may need more help.

Is there anything in AutoIt which will do this other than FileExists, which would be inadequate if a customer used a custom install, including a custom directory?

Wow! I just posted without any code!  I feel young again!

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Meds.  They're not just for breakfast anymore. :'(

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So, you want to know where the installation files are, even if a custom path is chosen during install?

I would suggest the use of a registry key like HKCUSoftware{YourSofwareName}: InstallPath REG_SZ c:.myUglyClientChoosenPath

Then you just need to list and check the files on that path.

Heroes, there is no such thing

One day I'll discover what IE.au3 has of special for so many users using it.
C'mon there's InetRead and WinHTTP, way better

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