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object properties

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Hi Guys, 
I am now working with excel and when you look to AutoIt help for, let's say _Excel_RangeCopyPaste Example 2 - there is line
Local $oRange = $oWorkbook2.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
I understand .worksheets(1) and .range are the properties of the Excel workbook object.
But how can I know, what properties are available for specific objects?
Is there anything like get-help -detailed in powershell?
This is not crucial, I am just curious, because things like that can help shorten and optimize the code. 
Thank you
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Every such object has its interface description defined somewhere. You can get that "place" in AutoIt using ObjName() function:

$sFileWithDefinition = ObjName($oObject, 4)

ConsoleWrite($sFileWithDefinition & @CRLF)

When you know where the definition is, the only thing that you have to do is use some tool to read definitions (methods, properties, ...) from it. My favorit is >TYPELIB Viewer written in AutoIt, but other exist too, just search the web.




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Thanks a lot guys, it makes sense now!!! And thanks for link, looks very useful. Actually I happy from the answer, because last weeks I am having more and more fun with autoit, vbs and PSH, so if the properties are something general, it makes my life much easier. Thanks again!

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