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Posted (edited)

Using GoogleDrive for store my files, some days ago, i discover those nice messages :

20141013105042.jpg           20141013105130.jpg

It is certain that if someone wants downloaded my files, such messages is not very encouraging !

So, don't know which incompetent AV Google use, but i decided to try some other files hosters.

I have made this script last year for GoogleDrive, but tired of false positives, i adapted it to OneDrive and Dropbox too. 

Added the possibility to create a Html ShortcutRedirector as i use in my topics for download files.



Buttons were made online with chimply.com the easy and free buttons generator !


Source : SharedLink2DirectLink v1.0.0.9.au3.html


Executable : SharedLink2DirectLink.exe.html


Hope it can help someone !  :)

Edited by wakillon

AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts

  • 1 year later...

Dear Wallikon,

I don't understand how your code works, I try to run it but nothing happen, may be the demo effect.


Anyway my aim is to read all files in local onedrive folder and create an index file .csv:

Filename,  share link, date, size, type etc...


To not having to recompute links every time I want to share files.

Or to create a side shortcut that include share link.

Do you have any idea.

Thks Paul

Je parle français, aussi.



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