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InetGet/InetRead - Dynamic Page Source Code


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I'm using InetRead on a page that uses Javascript to fill the content I'm looking for. This is fine initially, but when I try to navigate to another page, it dynamically generates the content based on code rather than actually refreshing the page.

This problem exists outside of InetRead as well; if I'm on page 1 of 10, and I click "2," the content changes, but the page does not (URL p#2, p#3, etc.) - so even if I manually view the source code, if I don't refresh the code I'm viewing then it doesn't change.

I'm trying to use $INET_FORCERELOAD to solve the problem, but it's not pulling the new source. Is there some kind of workaround to this? Should I be using InetGet in place of InetRead? Like I said, the source code DOES change, but I have to manually refresh the viewed source in Chrome to actually see the changes taking place.

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IE functions would be something you would need to look at.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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  • 10 months later...

I'm using InetRead on a page that uses Javascript to fill the content I'm looking for. This is fine initially, but when I try to navigate to another page, it dynamically generates the content based on code rather than actually refreshing the page.

This problem exists outside of InetRead as well; if I'm on page 1 of 10, and I click "2," the content changes, but the page does not (URL p#2, p#3, etc.) - so even if I manually view the source code, if I don't refresh the code I'm viewing then it doesn't change.

I'm trying to use $INET_FORCERELOAD to solve the problem, but it's not pulling the new source. Is there some kind of workaround to this? Should I be using InetGet in place of InetRead? Like I said, the source code DOES change, but I have to manually refresh the viewed source in Chrome to actually see the changes taking place.


I have the same problem like you.

Do you have a solution for this problem?

I make a boot to read a any page and dont like use IE function because de performance its so bad. 

Or, have any IE function to do this whitout open a brownser?


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