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Type Filepath and Name at file select window

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This is the file select window I see when I visit a certain website and clicks on a "File Upload" button. I want to be able to automate this so it automatically select files itself. For example, select a file from the desktop named "1.jpg" then clicks the "Open" button to select the file and close the window. How can I achieve this? I tried using AU3Record but it doesn't seem to record this section. I think the main goal here is to be able to type the file path and name in the "File name:" box then click "Open". I am using IE.AU3 to get to this website by the way. Please advise. I do not and cannot use my own fileopen dialogue box.

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It seems that you are using Internet Explorer.

So you can try something like this :

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IE_Example("form")
$oT = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, 'fileExample')

_IEAction($oT, "focus")
ControlSend( _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd"), "", "", "{SPACE}" )

$hChoose = WinWait("Choose File to Upload")

ControlSetText($hChoose, "", "Edit1", @ScriptFullPath)
; ControlClick($hChoose, "", "Button1")
ControlClick($hChoose, "", "[TEXT:&Open]") ; or try with [TEXT:Open] because i'm not sure about the "&", because the O of the Open button is not underlined in your screen capture
Edited by jguinch
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It seems that you are using Internet Explorer.

So you can try something like this :

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IE_Example("form")
$oT = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, 'fileExample')

_IEAction($oT, "focus")
ControlSend( _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd"), "", "", "{SPACE}" )

$hChoose = WinWait("Choose File to Upload")

ControlSetText($hChoose, "", "Edit1", @ScriptFullPath)
ControlClick($hChoose, "", "Button1")

This seem to be for a sample file select dialogue. It doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure where that file select window came from, if it's the window of IE itself. All I know is if I visit that webpage to click Upload, that window shows up. I do not know the name of its controls so I do not know how to run a script for it.

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It doesn't work on that window, the AU3 Record doesn't even record anything when clicking or doing any actions on that window. I have found a temporary solution though, just beside the UPLOAD button there's actually a textbox that will contain the file path of the file you selected, so I skipped the UPLOAD button and just went to coding a file path in that texbox. Thanks guys, I hope I will never come across writing scripts that involves those windows again.

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My code works for me. But my OS and/or IE are not in the same version than yours (and also are in French)

I edited my code (last line) : can you try it ?

Edited by jguinch
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Just FYI

I had a look at your situation and have come to the conclusion that you probably have your Autoit Window tool stuck on freeze( CTRL ALT F).

It also takes a couple of seconds sometimes to  load the info...



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Here are my last attempts. I just couldn't get Autoit to click that Browse button using Mouseclick. I can get Autoit to click the browse button using the $oT.click but then the rest of the scripts don't run, as soon as the window for File Open appears autoit freezes the rest of the codes, no errors. 
;$oIE.document.forms(0).elements(2).click ;This clicks the browse button but doesn't trigger the next codes. As soon as the file open window appears Autoit freezes. One thing I noticed is if I call a sleep or pause then manually click the browse button then continue running Autoit it seem to work.  
 Local $oT = $oIE.document.forms(0).elements(2) ;This is the Browse Button (of an Input Type="file")
 Local $iScreenX = _IEPropertyGet($oT, "screenx")
 Local $iScreenY = _IEPropertyGet($oT, "screeny")
 Local $iwidth = _IEPropertyGet($oT, "width") - 10
 Local $iheight = _IEPropertyGet($oT, "height") / 2
 $iScreenX = $iScreenX + $iwidth
 $iScreenY = $iScreenY + $iheight  
 MouseMove($iScreenX,$iScreenY) ;Mousemove or Mouseclick doesn't do anything, no errors but no move or clicks
 ;I can't get the codes below to work because of the problems above
 WinWait("Choose File to Upload")
 $hChoose = WinGetHandle("Choose File to Upload")
 ControlSetText($hChoose, "", "Edit1", "C:UsersSLyFoxDesktoptest.jpg")
 ControlClick($hChoose, "", "Button1")
 $oIE.document.forms(0).submit() ;This is the "Finish uploading pictures" button
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