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Running two functions at once? What must be done?


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This may be a stupid question, but so far with my coding, I've never really needed it. But now, I'm trying to make a progress bar for $time seconds animate, while in the background have something taking place.

I'm trying to run the function progress() and then ()doscript, but I have to wait until progress finishes then it does the script. Which is useless for a progress bar.


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I'm not sure I get it. See this is an example of what I'm trying to do. timer() is the progress bar. renew() is what I want to be covered by the progress bar. Then after doing that, it initiates mainscript()

And I was wondering exactly how I can run two functions at once because I'ld also like to know for other scripts I make.

renew() ;Renews' the IP

timer() ;initiates timer showing countdown until the renew function is done (maybe 3 seconds?)

;Then after timer initiates, run script

mainscript() ;This is not included in this post

Func renew()

runwait(@comspec & \' /c \' & \"ipconfig /release\",\"\",@SW_HIDE)

runwait(@comspec & \' /c \' & \"ipconfig /renew\",\"\",@SW_HIDE)


Func timer()

$Timelimit = 3

$Timeleft = $Timelimit


; if we\'ve got more then 60s & less then 120s, then it\'s only 1 whole min left + sec(s)

If $Timeleft > 60 And $Timeleft < 120 Then

; if it\'s a whole min, no sec

If Int($Timeleft/60) = $Timeleft/60 Then

ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minute\", -1, -1, 1)

; if it\'s got trailing sec, *still* single whole min left


; if we\'ve got single case sec

If ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) <= 1 Then

ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minute \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)

; or plural sec(s)


ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minute \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)



; if we\'ve got more then 1 whole min

ElseIf $Timeleft > 60 Then

; checking for whole min only, no sec...

If Int($Timeleft/60) = $Timeleft/60 Then

ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minutes\", -1, -1, 1)

; if we have multiple min & sec


; if we\'ve got single case sec

If ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) <= 1 Then

ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minutes \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)

; or plural sec(s)


ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft/60) & \" Minutes \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft/60) * 60)) & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)



; if we\'ve got less then 1 min, only sec left + we can just use the var now


If $Timeleft <= 1 Then

ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", $Timeleft & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)


ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", $Timeleft & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)



ProgressSet(($Timeleft / $Timelimit) * 100)


$Timeleft = $Timeleft - 1

Until $Timeleft < 0



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Please try to use

[ code ] ; no spaces

; paste your code here

[ /code ] ; no spaces

*** even though the spacing doesn't work right now

EDIT ( looks like the spacing does work now...cool)

i am taking at look at your script right now


Edited by Valuater


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here is the idea.... you know i cant test it

$Prs = 0

renew();Renews' the IP
timer();initiates timer showing countdown until the renew function is done (maybe 3 seconds?)
;Then after timer initiates, run script
mainscript ();This is not included in this post

Func renew()
    RunWait(@ComSpec & \' /c \' & \"ipconfig /release\", \"\", @SW_HIDE)
    RunWait(@ComSpec & \' /c \' & \"ipconfig /renew\", \"\", @SW_HIDE)
EndFunc  ;==>renew

Func timer()
    $Timelimit = 3
    $Timeleft = $Timelimit
    $Prs = 1
EndFunc  ;==>timer

While 1

    If $Prs = 1 Then
    ; if we\'ve got more then 60s & less then 120s, then it\'s only 1 whole min left + sec(s)
        If $Timeleft > 60 And $Timeleft < 120 Then
        ; if it\'s a whole min, no sec
            If Int($Timeleft / 60) = $Timeleft / 60 Then
                ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minute\", -1, -1, 1)
            ; if it\'s got trailing sec, *still* single whole min left
            ; if we\'ve got single case sec
                If ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) <= 1 Then
                    ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minute \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)
                ; or plural sec(s)
                    ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minute \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)
        ; if we\'ve got more then 1 whole min
        ElseIf $Timeleft > 60 Then
        ; checking for whole min only, no sec...
            If Int($Timeleft / 60) = $Timeleft / 60 Then
                ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minutes\", -1, -1, 1)
            ; if we have multiple min & sec
            ; if we\'ve got single case sec
                If ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) <= 1 Then
                    ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minutes \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)
                ; or plural sec(s)
                    ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", Int($Timeleft / 60) & \" Minutes \" & ($Timeleft - (Int($Timeleft / 60) * 60)) & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)
        ; if we\'ve got less then 1 min, only sec left + we can just use the var now
            If $Timeleft <= 1 Then
                ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", $Timeleft & \" Second\", -1, -1, 1)
                ProgressOn(\"\", \"YbManager Loading...\", $Timeleft & \" Seconds\", -1, -1, 1)
        ProgressSet(($Timeleft / $Timelimit) * 100)
        $Timeleft = $Timeleft - 1
        If $Timeleft < 0 Then
            $Prs = 0


Edited by Valuater


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Try this:

Func renew()
    $TimeLimit = 4000
    $start = TimerInit()
    $pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "ipconfig /release", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ProgressOn( "Renew", "Renewing IP address")
    While ProcessExists( $pid )
        $current = TimerDiff($start)
        ProgressSet( $current * 100 / $TimeLimit)
    $pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "ipconfig /renew", "", @SW_HIDE)
    While ProcessExists( $pid )
        $current = TimerDiff($start)
        ProgressSet( $current * 100 / $TimeLimit)
EndFunc ;==>renew

BlueBearrOddly enough, this is what I do for fun.
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awesome! Both responses work for different scenarios. But I have another question:

I'm also trying to make another after, but not a run command. I want to run this in the background, while a progress bar is above it too.

GLOBAL $loggedin = 0
GLOBAL $linesinfile = _FileCountLines("\\b86902\Settings$\userlist.ini")
For $j = 1 to $linesinfile
;this\'ll happen over every line in the file
GLOBAL $fileuser = FileReadLine("\\b86902\Settings$\userlist.ini", $j)
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I've tried Valuaters method in this one, but just can't get it. And Bluebear's won't work because it isnt a run command I guess. I can't assign a pid to it.

Anything short and simple? Kind of like bluebear?

-Thx, heading to bed in 30 mins, hope to get this done soon. Thx so much

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better than all of the scripting we did for you.... you maybe should check this out in help.... i think it will do what you want.... and..

Much easier


Func myprocess()
    If $process = something then......bla bla

did you see my post in your other thread?? ( WarCrafter )


Edited by Valuater


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thanks! I'll look into that. And thanks bluebear too! I used both of them.

But I don't understand the AdlibEnable("myprocess") thing valuater. That does a function every so often, correct? So how could that be able to process the command code I last posted above with a progress bar?

It would just be repeating itself over and over, correct?

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the AdlibEnable("myprocess") thing valuater. That does a function every so often, correct?


So how could that be able to process the command code I last posted above with a progress bar?

It would just be repeating itself over and over, correct?

i would suggest putting the process bar inside the adlib()

that way you can do other things and every so often ( you determine) the process bar will be updated...that can work!!



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Ah, smart. ;) heh

Is there also a way to say like

While Function Running

PROGRESS ON (example)


That way, I can make the progress bar increase by how long it actually takes, not by a certain time?

But for this one, time will work good. Thx again

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Noo. I tried the addlib function and my progress bar stalls. It doesn't every 100 ms like it's supposed to. When it's doing a command like ReadLines or something, it stalls for 4 seconds then it keeps going again. Augh!

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I like this method. The first block is just to set up my test file.

#include <file.au3>
#Include <string.au3>

; Create the test file
Const $ForReading = 0, $ForAppending = 1, $ForWriting = 2
$myfile = @ScriptDir & "\userlist.ini"
$myfileH = FileOpen($myfile, $ForWriting)
ProgressOn("Progress", "Writing file..."); Initialize progress bar
$maxlines = 9999; Number of lines in file
$zeroes = _StringRepeat( "0", StringLen($maxlines) )
For $i = 1 to $maxlines; Write out each line.
    $num = StringLeft($zeroes, StringLen($maxlines) - StringLen($i)) & $i
    FileWriteLine( $myFileH, "user" & $num )
    ProgressSet($i/1000 * 100, "Line " & $i & " of " & $maxlines); Update the progress bar
; Finish creating test file

; ========================
; Reading back in the lines of the file
; ========================
$myfileH = FileOpen($myfile, $ForReading)
GLOBAL $loggedin = 0
GLOBAL $linesinfile = _FileCountLines($myFile)
ProgressOn("Progress", "Reading file...")
For $j = 1 to $linesinfile
;this\'ll happen over every line in the file
    GLOBAL $fileuser = FileReadLine($myfileH, $j)
    ProgressSet($j/$linesinfile * 100, "Line " & $j & " of " & $linesinfile)
ProgressSet(100, " ", "Done!")
BlueBearrOddly enough, this is what I do for fun.
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