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string erase in file


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I have a text file, that i have my macro copy paste the html souce code of a site to. There this part of the window that changes from time to time. I want it so that the macro logs it into a text file or maybe an html file. (the thing i want it ti 'log' is more like a tagboard type of thing)

i have it so that the macro performs a stringinstr to find out where the code of where i want to start tagging is. But i'm not too sure how i would have it so that i could copy from, say "this position to this position" and then filewrite it...

sorry if wat i said is kinda confusing...

[quote]If whenever you feel small, useless, offended, depressed, and just generally upset always remember......you were once the fastest and most vicious sperm out of hundreds of millions![/quote]

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I have a text file, that i have my macro copy paste the html souce code of a site to. There this part of the window that changes from time to time. I want it so that the macro logs it into a text file or maybe an html file. (the thing i want it ti 'log' is more like a tagboard type of thing)

i have it so that the macro performs a stringinstr to find out where the code of where i want to start tagging is. But i'm not too sure how i would have it so that i could copy from, say "this position to this position" and then filewrite it...

sorry if wat i said is kinda confusing...

Perhaps you could use StringMid if you knew the starting point or some of the other string functions depending on which part of the string you wish to keep/strip. If this does not help it may be better if you posted some code along with a couple samples of what you want to log.

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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i have it so that the macro performs a stringinstr to find out where the code of where i want to start tagging is

Since the length of the text that you want probably changes, you'll need some way to tag where the desired text ends, then use that to snip the text.

For example, look at the source of this page: http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml. If I wanted to grab the little story, and nothing else, I'd first note that just before the story is the phrase "Bible In One Year:" which probably doesn't change every day. I can use StringInStr to find where that is, then use StringMid to remove everything before. Now that I have this shorter string I can see that the story starts after an <img> tag, and ends just before a <center> tag. I can use StringInStr and StringMid to chop the string to include what is between.

Here is some sample code. Hopefully it will help you with your project:

#include <File.au3>
$SrcFile = _TempFile()
InetGet("http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml", $SrcFile)
FileOpen($SrcFile, 0)
$PageSource = FileRead($SrcFile, FileGetSize($SrcFile))

; Figure out where the story is
$start = StringInStr($PageSource, "Bible In One Year")
$story = StringMid($PageSource, $start, StringLen($PageSource) )
$story = StringMid($story, StringInStr($story, "<img"), StringLen($story) ); start image tag
$story = StringMid($story, StringInStr($story, ">") + 1, StringLen($story) ); end image tag
$end = StringInStr($story, "<center>")
$story = StringMid($story, 1, $end - 1)

; Minor cleanup
$story = StringReplace( $story, "<p>", ""); replace <p> tag
$story = StringReplace($story, "", ""); replace long dash
MsgBox(0, "Story of the day", $story)
BlueBearrOddly enough, this is what I do for fun.
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thankx, that was precisely wat i needed ^^

Edited by Faleira

[quote]If whenever you feel small, useless, offended, depressed, and just generally upset always remember......you were once the fastest and most vicious sperm out of hundreds of millions![/quote]

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