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real nice encrypting method - hard to crack


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Nice Job Nuff!, I'm looking over it now intently, but tested most everything and it's encoding and decoding nicely.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Not to nitpick... maybe a little, but this is not encryption, it's encoding. ROT13/ Base64 are a common encoding algorithms.. DES or Blowfish are types of encryption. The difference is that something that is encoded can be cracked just by knowing the algorithm while encryption can not be cracked with the just the algorithm (not that some don't have big holes).

I have a similar encoding algorithm based on ROT13 and it rotates based on a password, it becomes increasingly more complex as the password increases in size but given enough time it could be easily cracked by hand.

Edited by Koder
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this 1 shouldn't be cracked (1-time-pad) key is as long as the text to be encrypted

mathmetical you can't crack it, cause it could be everything

if the key is about (lets say) 20 of length and the text is 100 than you can easily crack it

but if the keylength is 100 as the textlength then there is no way finding the right solution

as i posted a little bit up, you'll have unlimited possibilities

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Never really looked into the tiniest bits and pieces of the code, mostly because I'm still learning the language, so most of the 1-time-pad and such flies over my head, but I do see where Koder can come from.

As the password increases in length, obviously it will get more and more secure, as there is more to bruteforce, etc. As I understand it, typical bruteforce attacks will start at one end of a list of possible passwords and try every last combination until something works. From what I can gather, the 1-time-pad and rotating password functions noted here could be enhanced if they could wrap back around at some point, a while after a brute force attempt has tried it.

A script I made a while ago takes various macros from the system clock and strings them together, and then reverses them. It makes for a pretty secure system, provided whoever is trying to crack it doesn't know it. Every minute, the password, made entirely of numbers, would increase by one trillion in number sense, and every ten minutes it would wrap back to the start, cycling from 100 billion to 9 trillion in a short span. From what I know, which might not be much, about brute force attacks, one it's tried a combination, it won't try it again. So if it takes a minute to increase its attempt from 1 to one million, then the code has already gone far ahead of the attempts. Once it gets all the way up to the full code, then it would have to try all possible combinations within ten minutes before the password cycles again, and this is assuming it knows the password is only numbers. If it goes for an alphanumeric, then it's almost certain that it will never, or at least take a long time to, crack the code.

Just a bit of long speculation on increasing the strength of this already wonderful script.

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just thought about your suggestion, but what i don't understand

how do you want to decrypt it after you encrypted it?

if you're always changing the password (or am i getting it totally wrong) how can it be decompiled (if i would use this, i'd just do it in a totally new script - then depending on creation-time, -date, creator, ...)

anyways thx for the suggestion

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  • 3 years later...

Cracking wait XD!!! love this!

Lol this is like... you split a string in to 2 then if you don't have the other one but you got one then the string would be incomplete!

So this is very hard to crack (Yes I mean it)

But am sorry to tell you that this miss lead the point of password completely because you will need to send both of the find on way or the other.

But anyway its a very good system you wrote!

Edited by athiwatc
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hmmmm - funny, the original included example text does not work, but customs do.

i would prefer an encryption that hides the original textlength.......

but well done so far.


edit: well, not so funny. the program fails on long texts (longer than about 20 chars) - recursion level error. this is too bad.

can anyone link me to a better working autoit algorithm ?


Edited by jennico

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