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Autoit won't run DOS command


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I have this weird problem...


Autoit cannot run this properly:


   $DOS = Run('c:\windows\system32\msg.exe Billy test', "", $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD)


When I change the command to:


   $DOS = Run('cmd /k c:\windows\system32\msg.exe fernando test', "", $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD)


It produces the following error

'c:\windows\system32\msg.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.


Since the command prompt remains open I can check a few things.  When I go to c:\windows\system32 and do a dir *.exe, for some reason msg.exe is not listed.  However if I just click on Start->Run and open up a command prompt that way and go to c:\windows\system32 and do a dir *.exe msg.exe does show up.  msg.exe is a messaging utility that is included with windows 7/8.

As a test I copied msg.exe from c:\windows\system32 to c:\temp and I can run it from there just fine, seems like a problem with c:\windows\system32 being a system folder.


I am going crazy trying to make this work.  Would appreciate any help. 



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That worked!  Thanks for taking the time to help me.

This is what I'm using:

Version 3.5.4

Looks like I'm using the 32-bit version, but I think I installed both.

I work mostly with 64-bit systems...should I just re-install the 64-bit version only?


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Your welcome.  Since you have SciTe-Lite, that is why the directive wouldn't work.  You can download the full installer for SciTE4AutoIt3, and to see its only Help file.  It includes a lot of things that will help with scripting.  AutoIt installs both the 32 and 64 bit versions.  When you install AutoIt on a 64-bit system, you have the choice to use the 32 or 64 bit by default.  I usually just use the directive to switch between the two.  I usually only use the 64-bit version when I really need to.  



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