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WinMove is not working

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I'm trying to resize a window so I can reliably use mouse clicks to manipulate it. Unfortunately, I can't get winmove() to work on the thing. My code (I've changed the name of the window).

If WinExists("Blah") Then
      $oBlah = WinGetHandle("Blah")
      WinMove($oBlah, "", 0, 0, 800, 500)
      MsgBox("0", "No Blah window", "Please open Blah")

I've used the Window Info tool and MsgBox to verify that this code does return the correct handle. The window I'm working with is a little non-standard, it's a citrix app, but I can resize and move it manually just like any other window. Am I doing something wrong here? Are there any other ways of resizing windows? And if not, is there a way to base my mouse coordinates off the right side of the window instead of the left, in order to manipulate content that is right-justified? Thanks for your help.

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I have fought with scripting Citrix windows before and it can be a real pain.  Try adding these 2 lines to the beginning of your script and see if it makes any difference at all:

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase
Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) ;0=no, 1=search children also

If that doesn't help, can you give more info?  Are you getting the "Please Open Blah" message box when you run the script?  Is this a seamless published app that you're trying to script? Where exactly are you running the script from; your local workstation or the Citrix server?  Which version of Citrix server?

Edited by MuffinMan
one more question to ask...
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I think I have run into a situation where I needed WinActivate() before a move to make it work.

I feel even with resize and such, mouse clicks are not a reliable way to automate on more than one computer, but you can also look into WinSetState() (for maximize)

WinGetPos() to get coordinates + size and work like that.

If keyboard sends/commands work that should be better than mouse clicks.

To click the RIGHT side of a window instead of the left (I am assuming you're already using WinGetPos to get the left side) try something like this.

WinWait("[Class:Notepad]", "")
WinActivate("[Class:Notepad]", "")
$aPosition = WinGetPos("[Class:Notepad]", "")
;Top Left Corner[0] + Width[2] = Top Right Corner
MouseClick("left", $aPosition[0]+$aPosition[2]-20, $aPosition[1]+20, 1, 10)


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I was thinking about this more over my lunch break, and I don't know if WinExists relies on Shell.Application Windows, but if it does, Citrix apps don't get a proper shell, so you may have to rely on hWnd for all your Win commands.  I tested the code below with a published Instance of Internet Explorer.  If I run it on the Citrix server everything works as it should.  If I run it from my local workstation, the Winactivate happens, but not the WinMove.  The WinMove is returning the same handle as the WinGethandle though.


Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase
Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) ;0=no, 1=search children also

$WinName = "Blah"
$oBlah = WinGetHandle($WinName)
If WinExists($oBlah) Then
    WinMove($oBlah, "", 0, 0, 1200, 500)
    MsgBox("0", "No Blah window", "Please open Blah")


Edited by MuffinMan
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