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can the script stop running by itself when someone use pc?


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Is there any way the script stop running by itself when it figures out someone using the mouse? Since the script is auto clicking and I want it stop automatically when someone use my pc while i'm away.

Edited by dangbeau
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You don't need to run your scripts on the desktop.  You can run it on the service level (session 0), and then not worry about any user messing it up.

There is a function=_Timer_GetIdleTime, but your script will trigger it (if it sends keys or moves the mouse), so the user action wouldn't matter.  But you could do adlibregister with that function, and if the timer resets, then sleep until the timer goes over some set amount of time.

Edited by jdelaney
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There are several ways to do this, but the simplest might be to use BlockInput and stop anyone else using your PC altogether until a Hotkey is clicked. Be sure you read up on BlockInput though, as you don't want to block that Hotkey. As for the Hotkey, look at the _IsPressed command .... making sure you use the DLL version for repeated calls/checks on a regular basis.

Another method is to regularly check your mouse position.

Personally, I would combine all the above ... both enabling and disabling BlockInput at key moments, providing window of opportunity pauses perhaps. You really do not want an auto-click to go astray.

BE CAREFUL with BlockInput.

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@dangbeau it would also help to know what you're trying to accomplish. In all likelihood you could get away from using the mouse if you employ the Control commands. Then it wouldn't matter as much if someone moved the mouse.

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Another thought.  If you are interacting with a specific window, then you can create an AdLibRegister to call a function to sleep if that window is not active.

So if a user clicks into a new window, your script will sleep until your window is active again.

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Here is a simple but effective way of doing that. It's based on knowing where the mouse clicks, which you obviously do, seeing as how you wrote the code.

In the example the array of expected mouse positions is hard coded, you can change them as you wish if your script has dynamic positions. Please try to figure out how, for yourself. (hint: you should only need two entries in array, where the mouse is, and where it is going to be next)

Global $aMousePositions[3][2]
$aMousePositions[0][0] = 200
$aMousePositions[0][1] = 200

$aMousePositions[1][0] = 300
$aMousePositions[1][1] = 300

$aMousePositions[2][0] = 400
$aMousePositions[2][1] = 400

HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit")

While 3
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aMousePositions) - 1
        MouseMove($aMousePositions[$i][0], $aMousePositions[$i][1], 0)

Func _CheckUserMovedMouse()
    Local $aMousePos = MouseGetPos()
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aMousePositions) - 1
        If ($aMousePos[0] = $aMousePositions[$i][0] And $aMousePos[1] = $aMousePositions[$i][1]) Then
            Return ; Mouse is one of your predefined positions;
    MsgBox(0, "User Active", "Exiting") ; Someone moved mouse.
EndFunc   ;==>_CheckUserMovedMouse

EDIT: Obviously I used Move instead of Click, for demonstration purpose.

Edited by JohnOne

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Since JohnOne was so kind to give an example, I modified it for my thought as well :)

#include <WinAPI.au3>
$iPid = Run("Notepad.exe")

HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit")

Func _PauseIfProcessWinNotActive()
    Local $iTempPid

    While $iTempPid <> $iPid

        ConsoleWrite("I'm sleeping!!" & @CRLF)

    ConsoleWrite("I'm not sleeping!!" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_CheckUserMovedMouse

Func _Exit()

; this will actually be your script:
While True

As long as the notepad started...or some window spawned from that process (such as a save as window) is active, the console will output "I'm not sleeping!!"...make anything else active, then you will see console output "I'm sleeping!!"

If you are working with multiple PIDs then you can create an array, and keep adding to it as you create them...then in the adlib func, loop through that array and see if the temppid matches anything in the array (loop through the array)...

Edited by jdelaney
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