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SQLite in distros and beta


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Searching for clues to my problem, I found, in AutoIt Help and Support, in a topic titled problems downloading sqlite3.dll , I added my concerns and was told by @guinness to start my own, so, I figured that this area would be best to post my findings.

The solution I proposed is in that topic, no need to copy here again.

I downloaded the ZIPs and installers for distributions of stable and beta and could not find the DLLs for SQLite, nor a functional download within the UDFs attempt to download, still in place in the beta.

@guinness said that is now part of the distro but I don't find it. Therefore this new topic.

I can find my way around Autoit by now BUT it took me an hour ( give or take ) of scratching my head, when, in a newly installed PC ( with win7 x64 that I remote into ), SQLite was not working and I could not figure out why, was some time since I tried DB stuff, what was I doing wrong ( usually Autoit is magical and everything just works without truly knowing how ).

Anyway. I just wanted to bring this up. If is a mishap from the distro, now is known, if it's my bad then please guide me.

Thanks much

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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All pkg for AutoIt Sqlite are in https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/pkgmgr/sqlite

I confess I don't know where the pkgmgr link is defined in the current Web

The next beta have the link in the AutoIt help for _SQLite_Startup()

..based on the experience that bandwidth will be abused, no link should be provided. That strategy showed to be impractical.
The idea of distributing the DLLs as files and not as a compressed file within an .au3, I believe, will be most successful. Placing it in a folder that is root or child, in relationship to autoit3.exe location, in my view, would be best.

My posting is not to solve my problem per se but to help the developers, or, if I'm missing something, be helped by.

I enjoy using AutoIt and if I can contribute in any way, I'd like to do so.

Also, maybe, having a @AutoItDir would come in handy :D

Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
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  • 4 months later...

I do not see reference to SQLite in the new beta announcement.  Am I missing something?

https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/177239-problems-downloading-sqlite3dll/#comment-1272436 by @guinness post #16, 21 Nov 2015.


Would it be possible to modify the standard https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/libfunctions/_SQLite_Startup.htm function to do the following: (a) first PROMPT the user for confirmation of download and then (b) download from SQLite Download Page https://www.sqlite.org/download.html. (c) Bundle the SQLite.dll with the standard AutoIt Download? Different from current where it simply does nothing and not the same as before where it did a silent download from here?

This should achieve the following

1. Users will be made aware of the download;

2. Download will be from original source (not secondary/mirror)

Benefits should be that users are made aware of the download, they should consider alternate options - such as storing SQLite centrally and/or supplying own copy.  

Several recent threads have highlighted this issue.  If the download burden was this great, the demand may be met with an alternate solution.


Why is the snake in the sky?

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Users who implement SQLite in their application are developers, so you figure it out about to shipping it. The whole point it's included now is because people were misusing this handy feature of automatic downloading and thus relying on Jon's good nature of providing FREE hosting. So thanks for your suggestions, but on this occasion they won't be taken into consideration.

Oh and don't hijack an old thread. Wow, deja vu there!!!

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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Thanks Guinness.  

Thought about a new thread, but this one did not seem old to me...  

2nd time reference being made to SQLite included in the beta, but I can't find that in the documentation? And it is not in the beta zip file...  I can only presume you are refering to it being included in a next version after



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