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problem with frames


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dear all,

I've got a problem with frames.

i read the Dale example for the frame but it doesn't working with my case.

the html source code of my html page




<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<TITLE>Welcome eupirobo </TITLE>


<frameset rows=52,* framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0>

<frame title="Top Bar" name=topbar src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=TopBarLargeWelcome" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no frameborder=0 NORESIZE>

<frameset cols=80,* framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0>

<frame title="Navigation Bar" name=navigationbar src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=NavigationBar&help=Welcome&Type=W" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=auto frameborder=0 NORESIZE>

<frame title="Welcome Page" name=welcome src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=Welcome" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=AUTO frameborder=0 NORESIZE>




I think that the problem is the name of the frame because there is not double quote ( " ) so i've got an error : The requested action with this object has failed.:

If IsObj($o_object.document.parentwindow.frames ($s_name, $i_index)) Then


Is anyone has an idea ?



Edit: I think it's not the good place for this thread. Sorry B)

Edited by FabFly
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This is the right place for the post.

Please include the full output and error that you receive (including your version of AutoIt). Also include (a preferably minimal piece of) AutoIt code that illustrates the problem.



Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl

MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model

Automate input type=file (Related)

Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded  Better Better?

IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds

SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y

Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble

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Thanks for your help Dale.

Here is my AutoIT code :

$Frame=_IEFrameGetObjByIndex($IE, 2)

_IEClickLinkByText($Frame, "Click here or on the Corporate Documents link in the navigation bar on the left to view the list of the corporate documents available to you.")

explanation :

The script is developing for a secure intranet web site so i can't give you the url because you can't access it. My AutoIT version is with the good AU3check (v 1.48).

In the HTML page, there is 3 frames and the second frame is the interesting one.

Here is the source code which display the frames:




<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<TITLE>Welcome eupirobo </TITLE>


<frameset rows=52,* framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0>

<frame title="Top Bar" name=topbar src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=TopBarLargeWelcome" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no frameborder=0 NORESIZE>

<frameset cols=80,* framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0>

<frame title="Navigation Bar" name=navigationbar src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=NavigationBar&help=Welcome&Type=W" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=auto frameborder=0 NORESIZE>

<frame title="Welcome Page" name=welcome src="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=Welcome" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=AUTO frameborder=0 NORESIZE>




Here is the source code of the 2nd frame. I would like to click on the following link : "Click here or on the Corporate Documents link in the navigation bar on the left to view the list of the corporate documents available to you." :




<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<script language="javascript">

function GotoAnchor()






<TITLE>Welcome Page</TITLE>


<BODY bgcolor=white>

<A NAME="skiptocontent"></A>



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<FONT size=-1 face=arial><P><FONT FACE=Arial><FONT SIZE=-1> You are currently reading the <B>InfoView Welcome page</B>, which includes a practical navigation bar on the left side. The <B>Welcome page</B> is the default <B>start page</B>, and a guide to viewing and distributing documents from <B>BusinessObjects</B> or <B>WebIntelligence</B>. From here you can:</FONT></FONT></P><UL>

<LI><A HREF="#Settings">Modify your user options</A>, including your password, how your document lists are displayed, your start page, and more</LI>

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<TABLE><TR><TD><FONT size=-1 face=arial>Depending on your options, you can create a new document using any available universe, then distribute the document in any of several ways:<UL>

<LI>Publish it to the corporate repository, making it available to broad groups of users in your organization</LI>

<LI>Save it to your personal storage area</LI>

<LI>Send it to other users</LI></UL>

<P><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultNewFrame" TARGET=_top><IMG SRC=/wi/images/Go_WEN.gif ALT="Create new document" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=46 WIDTH=57 ALIGN=LEFT></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultNewFrame" TARGET=_top>Click here or on the <B>Create Documents</B> link in the navigation bar on the left to create a new document.</A> </P>


<P><A NAME=Inbox></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultInboxFrame" TARGET=_top><IMG SRC=/wi/images/WInbox_WEN.jpg ALT="Go to Inbox Documents Page" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=34 WIDTH=249></A></P>

<TABLE><TR><TD><FONT size=-1 face=arial>You can check your Inbox Documents page for documents sent to you by other users of the <B>WebIntelligence</B> or <B>BusinessObjects</B> system. You can then save those documents to your personal storage area or, if you have the appropriate rights, publish them to a corporate document repository.

<P><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultInboxFrame" TARGET=_top><IMG SRC=/wi/images/Go_WEN.gif ALT="Go to Inbox Documents page" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=46 WIDTH=57 ALIGN=LEFT></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultInboxFrame" TARGET=_top>Click here or on the <B>Inbox Documents</B> link in the navigation bar on the left to go to your Inbox Documents page.</A> </P>


<P><A NAME=Personal></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultMyFrame" TARGET=_top><IMG SRC=/wi/images/WPersonal_WEN.jpg ALT="Go to Personal Documents Page" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=34 WIDTH=249></A></P>

<TABLE><TR><TD><FONT size=-1 face=arial>Personal documents are documents you have saved to your personal storage area, where only you can access them. If you have <B>WebIntelligence</B>, you may be able to edit and update these documents by changing the queries they're based on, or by changing their format. You can later send a document to other users, or make your documents available to a wider audience by publishing them to the corporate repository. You can also delete them when you no longer need them. The actions you are able to perform on the documents depend on your user rights.

<P> <A NAME=Personal></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultMyFrame" TARGET=_parent><IMG SRC=/wi/images/Go_WEN.gif ALT="Go to Personal Documents page" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=46 WIDTH=57 ALIGN=LEFT></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultMyFrame" target=_parent>Click here or on the <B>Personal Documents</B> link in the navigation bar on the left to view the list of your personal documents.</A> </P>


<P><A NAME=Corporate></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultCorporateFrame" target=_parent><IMG SRC=/wi/images/WCorporate_WEN.jpg ALT="Go to Corporate Documents Page" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=34 WIDTH=249></A></P>

<TABLE><TR><TD><FONT size=-1 face=arial>The corporate repository provides an easy way for organizations to share information. One person can create a document and, by publishing it to a corporate repository, make the information in it available to everyone with access rights to that repository.

<P> <A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultCorporateFrame" target=_parent><IMG SRC=/wi/images/Go_WEN.gif ALT="Go to Corporate Documents page" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=46 WIDTH=57 ALIGN=LEFT></A><A HREF="/wi/bin/iswi.dll/WIGenerator/wigenerator/generator/ExecuteWIS?sWIS=DefaultCorporateFrame" target=_parent>Click here or on the <B>Corporate Documents</B> link in the navigation bar on the left to view the list of the corporate documents available to you.</A> </P>




<TD VALIGN=MIDDLE><A HREF="/wi/help/EN/chWelcomeEN.html" TARGET=newWindow><IMG SRC=/wi/images/HelpButton_WEN.gif ALT="Go to the On-line Help" HSPACE=5 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=56 ALIGN=ABSCENTER></A></TD>

<TD><FONT size=-1 face=arial>Need some help getting started? Go to the <B><A HREF="/wi/help/EN/indexEN.html" TARGET="newWindow">On-line User Help</A></B> from here. It describes <B>InfoView</B> and <B>WebIntelligence</B> features and interfaces. It also provides all the information you need to use <B>InfoView</B> and <B>WebIntelligence</B>. If you are a first time user, you may want to follow the <A HREF="/wi/help/EN/ivqt10en.htm" TARGET="newWindow">InfoView Quick Tour</A> for an introduction to basic features. The <A HREF="/wi/help/EN/onlineguidesEN.html" TARGET="newWindow">Product Documentation</A> for WebIntelligence and InfoView, as well as the latest Error Messages Guide, are now also available in PDF format.</FONT><P></TD>



<CENTER><P><BR><BR><BR><IMG SRC=/wi/images/logobo.gif ALT="Business Objects Company Logo" HEIGHT=49 WIDTH=157><BR></P></CENTER>


Here is the full output and error that I recieve :

>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTe\CompileAU3\CompileAU3.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Documents and Settings\fr160812\My Documents\Fabien\Dev\BI\Monitoring\Scripts\Monitoring_BO5.au3" /autoit3dir "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3" /UserParams

>Running AU3Check...C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTe\Defs\Production\Au3Check\au3check.dat

>AU3Check Ended.

>Running: (\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\fr160812\My Documents\Fabien\Dev\BI\Monitoring\Scripts\Monitoring_BO5.au3"

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\IE.au3 (535) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.:

$doc = $o_object.document

$doc = $o_object.document^ ERROR

>AutoIT3.exe ended.

>Exit code: 0 Time: 3.717

In your example Dale (with the Princeston link) there is no javascript in the page. In my HTML page there is javascript. Do you think that javascript can be the problem? May be it's my autoIT version. I don't know.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Edited by FabFly
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I found what was the problem.

I'm working on an intranet web site. In my company, there is a proxy. I think that the proxy rewrite the HTTP request according with DNS rules because the problem was in the URL. In effect, I changed the URL and I left the domain in it and now it's working fine.



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