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Help with StringRegExpReplace

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I am having some trouble with StringRegExpReplace

Can someone show me how to replace the following in a text string

data data data data data data data data data CRLF

data data data data data data data data data CRLF


data data data data data data data data data CRLF

data data data data data data data data data CRLF

01010101010101010101010101010101010101 CRLF


data data data data data data data data data CRLF

data data data data data data data data data CRLF

I want to replace, starting with STARTING TEXT TAG... including the variable length data in between with CRLFs and ending with ENDING TEXT TAG with ""

I can get STARTING {something} TAG with (?i)STARTING(.*?)TAG ...but I cant figure out how to get the other lines of data.

Thanks a lot

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Personally, in any programming language, I'd use StringInStr to find where "STARTING TEXT TAG" is, then search forward from there using StringInStr again to find the position of the ENDING TEXT TAG.  Then I'd join together the part of the string that was before the first tag and the bit after the end tag.  Using anything regex based is potentially very wasteful of cpu time, especially if the text being searched is very large or (if one's using a much more complicated regex pattern) if the regex search algorithm has a lot of work to find the precise part of the text that matches the conditions you code.

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This works with the provided test string. Obviously this could not work with the real (not provided) string

$str = "data1 data1 data1" & @CRLF & _
"data1 data1 data1" & @CRLF & _
"data2 data2 data2" & @CRLF & _
"data2 data2 data2" & @CRLF & _
@CRLF & _
"01010101010101010101010101010101010101" & @CRLF & _
"data3 data3 data3" & @CRLF & _
"data3 data3 data3" & @CRLF

msgbox(0,"", $str)

$str = StringRegExpReplace($str, '(?s)STARTING TEXT TAG.*?ENDING TEXT TAG\R?', "")
msgbox(0,"", $str)


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