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Hi There


I know autoit has been around for many many years - but it still relatively new to me. I require some assistance please.


The webpage can have multiple forms:


<form name="asset" class="single_graph_area fl open" action="#" method="post" data-mtw-status="open" data-mtw-game="1" data-mtw-asset="USDJPY" data-mtw-asset-name="USD/JPY" data-mtw-active-offer="95442" data-mtw-payout="0.7">


<form name="asset" class="single_graph_area fl open" action="#" method="post" data-mtw-status="open" data-mtw-game="1" data-mtw-asset="EURUSD" data-mtw-asset-name="EUR/USD" data-mtw-active-offer="95392" data-mtw-payout="0.7">



Question 1:

How do i distinguish between the 2 forms considering their names are the same? 


Question 2:

Once I have determined the correct form, how do I click any of these 2 classes within the form:

The class is called: <a class="bet_button lower button"> and <a class="bet_button higher button">



Can someone help please? - Thank you in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Below is HTML:


<form name="asset" class="single_graph_area fl open" action="#" method="post" data-mtw-status="open" data-mtw-game="1" data-mtw-asset="USDJPY" data-mtw-asset-name="USD/JPY" data-mtw-active-offer="95442" data-mtw-payout="0.7">
<div class="graph_header notranslate">
<h3 class="mtw-asset-name">USD/JPY</h3>
<div class="text_area">
<p class="info title" style="display: none;">
If at
<span class="resolution">09:38</span>
<span class="mtw-asset-name">USD/JPY</span>
<span class="type"></span>
<span class="market_value">107.484</span>,
you earn
&nbsp;¢<span class="return">1.70</span>&nbsp;(<span class="mtw-payout-percent">70%</span>)
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<p class="market_value">107.484</p>
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<option value="1465256280000" data-cutout="60" data-offer="95442" data-order="0">09:38</option><option value="1465256400000" data-cutout="60" data-offer="95443" data-order="10">09:40</option><option value="1465256700000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95444" data-order="30">09:45</option><option value="1465257000000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95445" data-order="50">09:50</option><option value="1465257600000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95446" data-order="70">10:00</option><option value="1465258800000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95447" data-order="90">10:20</option><option value="1465259400000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95448" data-order="110">10:30</option><option value="1465261200000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95449" data-order="130">11:00</option><option value="1465264800000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95450" data-order="150">12:00</option><option value="1465332900000" data-cutout="300" data-offer="95451" data-order="499">Jun 08, 06:55</option></select>
<p class="types">
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<span class="type"></span>
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<span class="label">
<span class="currency">¢</span>
<input name="amount" title="Must be a cash value (may have two decimal places)" class="amount" type="text" min="1.0" max="1000.0" pattern="^[0-9]+(.[0-9]{2})?$" value="1.0" autocomplete="off" data-wager="1.0">
<p class="profit">
<span class="label">
<span class="mtw-payout-percent">70%</span>
<p class="payout">
<span class="label">
<span class="currency">¢</span>
<span class="return">1.70</span>
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18.2162 139.575 L 18.9299 141.293 L 24.4242 137.856 L 25.6996 137.856 L 27.23 137.856 L 28.8567 139.575 L 29.3501 137.856 L 30.9132 137.856 L 35.6016 141.293 L 47.8706 137.856 L 50.6321 137.856 L 55.0782 137.856 L 56.5491 110.353 L 57.7343 106.915 L 61.9833 105.197 L 64.2845 106.915 L 65.7999 105.197 L 67.8664 106.915 L 75.2876 93.1643 L 77.3352 100.04 L 78.4265 93.1643 L 79.9139 103.478 L 82.2048 100.04 L 85.8727 89.7265 L 87.7212 110.353 L 91.3198 110.353 L 93.1754 117.229 L 95.6964 115.51 L 97.7039 110.353 L 99.3645 113.791 L 100.336 106.915 L 106.596 106.915 L 112.756 93.1643 L 114.463 93.1643 L 116.631 103.478 L 118.213 96.6021 L 124.279 94.8832 L 127.001 93.1643 L 142.145 106.915 L 147.745 110.353 L 155.331 110.353 L 158.263 108.634 L 159.638 106.915 L 160.203 105.197 L 161.937 89.7265 L 167.28 88.0076 L 167.494 79.4131 L 170.212 79.4131 L 173.182 69.0997 L 174.338 72.5375 L 177.518 70.8186 L 178.282 69.0997 L 180.444 53.6296 L 181.238 50.1918 L 183.272 45.0351 L 184.728 39.8784 L 185.775 38.1595 L 186.829 34.7217 L 192.223 31.284 L 193.751 27.8462 L 194.095 27.8462 L 195.735 27.8462 L 198.193 27.8462 L 199.623 31.284 L 201.337 29.5651 L 203.809 31.284 L 204.263 29.5651 L 208.13 33.0028 L 213.796 34.7217 L 217.389 39.8784 L 219.705 39.8784 L 220.809 38.1595 L 224.313 41.5973 L 226.172 51.9107 L 226.393 62.2241 L 227.899 72.5375 L 230.208 70.8186 L 231.994 72.5375 L 232.145 74.2564 L 236.901 74.2564 L 238.323 72.5375 L 241.431 63.943 L 246.683 65.6619 L 247.914 63.943 L 259.823 57.0674 L 261.107 53.6296 L 262.973 45.0351 L 264.107 51.9107 L 271.833 48.4729 L 273.325 43.3162 L 274.429 31.284 L 275.561 34.7217 L 277.68 46.754 L 279.123 53.6296 L 280.496 55.3485 L 281.843 53.6296 L 283.488 55.3485 L 284.384 55.3485 L 286.573 53.6296 L 287.471 53.6296 L 288.885 57.0674 L 290.668 57.0674 L 292.405 57.0674 L 293.3 57.0674 L 295.083 57.0674 L 296.861 57.0674 L 297.752 57.0674 L 299.535 57.0674 L 300.424 57.0674 L 302.093 58.7863 L 303.596 65.6619 L 305.383 65.6619 L 307.157 67.3808 L 308.6 81.132 L 309.721 84.5698 L 311.213 82.8509 L 313 82.8509 L 313.891 82.8509 L 315.35 84.5698 L 317.499 105.197 L 318.212 105.197 L 320.431 113.791 L 321.322 113.791 L 323.102 113.791 L 324.85 113.791 L 326.2 113.791 L 327.077 103.478 L 328.865 103.478 L 330.644 103.478 L 332.185 110.353 L 333.209 113.791 L 334.993 113.791 L 335.885 113.791 L 337.724 106.915 L 339.51 106.915 L 340.923 105.197 L 341.678 106.915 L 343.581 113.791 L 345.366 113.791 L 346.259 113.791 L 348.042 113.791 L 349.378 106.915 L 351.164 106.915 L 352.058 106.915 L 353.84 106.915 L 355.683 110.353 L 356.418 113.791 L 358.019 115.51 L 359.776 115.51 L 361.228 120.667 L 362.524 134.418 L 363.987 125.823 L 365.394 124.104 L 367.177 124.104 L 368.959 124.104 L 369.847 124.104 L 371.629 124.104 L 373.412 124.104 L 374.302 124.104 L 376.089 124.104 L 377.871 124.104 L 378.762 124.104 L 380.543 124.104 L 381.613 115.51 L 383.648 100.04 L 384.976 101.759 L 386.343 100.04 L 387.842 100.04 L 389.63 100.04 L 390.521 100.04 L 392.199 96.6021 L 393.989 96.6021 L 394.883 96.6021 L 396.67 96.6021 L 398.452 96.6021 L 399.343 96.6021 L 401.13 96.6021 L 402.792 100.04 L 403.682 100.04 L 405.464 100.04 L 407.243 100.04 L 408.134 100.04 L 409.916 100.04 L 411.696 100.04 L 412.59 100.04 L 414.38 100.04 L 416.158 100.04 L 417.05 100.04 L 418.755 100.04 L 420.537 100.04 L 421.426 100.04 L 423.21 100.04 L 424.998 100.04 L 425.89 100.04 L 427.676 100.04 L 428.567 100.04 L 430.35 100.04 L 432.134 100.04 L 433.81 103.478 L 434.499 110.353 L 436.315 108.634 L 437.483 110.353 L 439.418 112.072 L 440.855 110.353 L 442.641 110.353 L 443.531 110.353 L 445.314 110.353 L 447.094 110.353 L 447.946 108.634 L 449.731 108.634 L 451.418 110.353 L 452.309 110.353 L 454.092 110.353 L 455.876 110.353 L 456.766 110.353 L 458.548 110.353 L 460.329 110.353 L 461.452 115.51 L 463.234 115.51 L 464.418 113.791 L 466.205 113.791 L 467.096 113.791 L 468.885 113.791 L 469.777 113.791 L 471.565 113.791 L 473.306 115.51 L 475.086 115.51 L 476.052 113.791 L 477.836 113.791 L 478.727 113.791 L 480.518 113.791 L 482.085 122.386 L 483.08 127.542 L 485.282 117.229 L 486.615 127.542 L 488 137.856 L 489.201 139.575 L 491.05 137.856 L 492.623 146.45 L 494.138 151.607 L 495.204 149.888 L 497.141 149.888 L 497.923 153.326 L 499.658 155.045 L 501.338 155.045 L 502.238 155.045 L 504.024 155.045 L 505.81 155.045 L 506.703 155.045 L 508.486 155.045 L 510.147 156.764 L 511.041 156.764 L 512.825 156.764 L 514.269 165.358 L 516.243 167.077 L 517.138 167.077 L 519.251 165.358 L 520.696 163.639 L 521.591 163.639 L 522.94 163.639 L 524.408 165.358 L 526.103 161.92 L 527 161.92" zIndex="1" /><path class=" highcharts-tracker" visibility="visible" fill="none" stroke="rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.0001)" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="21" d="M -10 137.856 L 0 137.856 L 12.4969 137.856 L 13.6456 137.856 L 15.1451 139.575 L 16.2216 137.856 L 18.2162 139.575 L 18.9299 141.293 L 24.4242 137.856 L 25.6996 137.856 L 27.23 137.856 L 28.8567 139.575 L 29.3501 137.856 L 30.9132 137.856 L 35.6016 141.293 L 47.8706 137.856 L 50.6321 137.856 L 55.0782 137.856 L 56.5491 110.353 L 57.7343 106.915 L 61.9833 105.197 L 64.2845 106.915 L 65.7999 105.197 L 67.8664 106.915 L 75.2876 93.1643 L 77.3352 100.04 L 78.4265 93.1643 L 79.9139 103.478 L 82.2048 100.04 L 85.8727 89.7265 L 87.7212 110.353 L 91.3198 110.353 L 93.1754 117.229 L 95.6964 115.51 L 97.7039 110.353 L 99.3645 113.791 L 100.336 106.915 L 106.596 106.915 L 112.756 93.1643 L 114.463 93.1643 L 116.631 103.478 L 118.213 96.6021 L 124.279 94.8832 L 127.001 93.1643 L 142.145 106.915 L 147.745 110.353 L 155.331 110.353 L 158.263 108.634 L 159.638 106.915 L 160.203 105.197 L 161.937 89.7265 L 167.28 88.0076 L 167.494 79.4131 L 170.212 79.4131 L 173.182 69.0997 L 174.338 72.5375 L 177.518 70.8186 L 178.282 69.0997 L 180.444 53.6296 L 181.238 50.1918 L 183.272 45.0351 L 184.728 39.8784 L 185.775 38.1595 L 186.829 34.7217 L 192.223 31.284 L 193.751 27.8462 L 194.095 27.8462 L 195.735 27.8462 L 198.193 27.8462 L 199.623 31.284 L 201.337 29.5651 L 203.809 31.284 L 204.263 29.5651 L 208.13 33.0028 L 213.796 34.7217 L 217.389 39.8784 L 219.705 39.8784 L 220.809 38.1595 L 224.313 41.5973 L 226.172 51.9107 L 226.393 62.2241 L 227.899 72.5375 L 230.208 70.8186 L 231.994 72.5375 L 232.145 74.2564 L 236.901 74.2564 L 238.323 72.5375 L 241.431 63.943 L 246.683 65.6619 L 247.914 63.943 L 259.823 57.0674 L 261.107 53.6296 L 262.973 45.0351 L 264.107 51.9107 L 271.833 48.4729 L 273.325 43.3162 L 274.429 31.284 L 275.561 34.7217 L 277.68 46.754 L 279.123 53.6296 L 280.496 55.3485 L 281.843 53.6296 L 283.488 55.3485 L 284.384 55.3485 L 286.573 53.6296 L 287.471 53.6296 L 288.885 57.0674 L 290.668 57.0674 L 292.405 57.0674 L 293.3 57.0674 L 295.083 57.0674 L 296.861 57.0674 L 297.752 57.0674 L 299.535 57.0674 L 300.424 57.0674 L 302.093 58.7863 L 303.596 65.6619 L 305.383 65.6619 L 307.157 67.3808 L 308.6 81.132 L 309.721 84.5698 L 311.213 82.8509 L 313 82.8509 L 313.891 82.8509 L 315.35 84.5698 L 317.499 105.197 L 318.212 105.197 L 320.431 113.791 L 321.322 113.791 L 323.102 113.791 L 324.85 113.791 L 326.2 113.791 L 327.077 103.478 L 328.865 103.478 L 330.644 103.478 L 332.185 110.353 L 333.209 113.791 L 334.993 113.791 L 335.885 113.791 L 337.724 106.915 L 339.51 106.915 L 340.923 105.197 L 341.678 106.915 L 343.581 113.791 L 345.366 113.791 L 346.259 113.791 L 348.042 113.791 L 349.378 106.915 L 351.164 106.915 L 352.058 106.915 L 353.84 106.915 L 355.683 110.353 L 356.418 113.791 L 358.019 115.51 L 359.776 115.51 L 361.228 120.667 L 362.524 134.418 L 363.987 125.823 L 365.394 124.104 L 367.177 124.104 L 368.959 124.104 L 369.847 124.104 L 371.629 124.104 L 373.412 124.104 L 374.302 124.104 L 376.089 124.104 L 377.871 124.104 L 378.762 124.104 L 380.543 124.104 L 381.613 115.51 L 383.648 100.04 L 384.976 101.759 L 386.343 100.04 L 387.842 100.04 L 389.63 100.04 L 390.521 100.04 L 392.199 96.6021 L 393.989 96.6021 L 394.883 96.6021 L 396.67 96.6021 L 398.452 96.6021 L 399.343 96.6021 L 401.13 96.6021 L 402.792 100.04 L 403.682 100.04 L 405.464 100.04 L 407.243 100.04 L 408.134 100.04 L 409.916 100.04 L 411.696 100.04 L 412.59 100.04 L 414.38 100.04 L 416.158 100.04 L 417.05 100.04 L 418.755 100.04 L 420.537 100.04 L 421.426 100.04 L 423.21 100.04 L 424.998 100.04 L 425.89 100.04 L 427.676 100.04 L 428.567 100.04 L 430.35 100.04 L 432.134 100.04 L 433.81 103.478 L 434.499 110.353 L 436.315 108.634 L 437.483 110.353 L 439.418 112.072 L 440.855 110.353 L 442.641 110.353 L 443.531 110.353 L 445.314 110.353 L 447.094 110.353 L 447.946 108.634 L 449.731 108.634 L 451.418 110.353 L 452.309 110.353 L 454.092 110.353 L 455.876 110.353 L 456.766 110.353 L 458.548 110.353 L 460.329 110.353 L 461.452 115.51 L 463.234 115.51 L 464.418 113.791 L 466.205 113.791 L 467.096 113.791 L 468.885 113.791 L 469.777 113.791 L 471.565 113.791 L 473.306 115.51 L 475.086 115.51 L 476.052 113.791 L 477.836 113.791 L 478.727 113.791 L 480.518 113.791 L 482.085 122.386 L 483.08 127.542 L 485.282 117.229 L 486.615 127.542 L 488 137.856 L 489.201 139.575 L 491.05 137.856 L 492.623 146.45 L 494.138 151.607 L 495.204 149.888 L 497.141 149.888 L 497.923 153.326 L 499.658 155.045 L 501.338 155.045 L 502.238 155.045 L 504.024 155.045 L 505.81 155.045 L 506.703 155.045 L 508.486 155.045 L 510.147 156.764 L 511.041 156.764 L 512.825 156.764 L 514.269 165.358 L 516.243 167.077 L 517.138 167.077 L 519.251 165.358 L 520.696 163.639 L 521.591 163.639 L 522.94 163.639 L 524.408 165.358 L 526.103 161.92 L 527 161.92 L 537 161.92" zIndex="2" /></g><g class="highcharts-markers highcharts-tracker" visibility="visible" clip-path="none" transform="translate(0) scale(1)" zIndex="0.1"><path visibility="hidden" fill="#0033cc" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="1" d="M 504.234 124.738 L 508.234 128.738 L 504.234 132.738 L 500.234 128.738 Z" /></g></g><text class="highcharts-title" style="width: 525px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 16px; fill: #333333;" 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One more thing though


How do i separate between the 2 forms though?


Scenario 1:

Click Class in Form 1

Scenario 2:

Click Class in Form 2

They have the same names; how can differentiate between the though please?

thanks for the help so far!


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As I mentioned previously:

11 hours ago, Danp2 said:

You can use _IEFormGetCollection with the index parameter to select a specific form by number.

Once you have a reference to the desired form, you could try using _IEFormElementGetCollection to get a collection of the form's elements and then search that collection for the desired link.

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